The reason the game became more anti-social had nothing to do with RDF

This 1000%. I don’t know if WoW Classic devs actually read this forum, but I was one of the people saying Wrath would be better off without LFD…for years. I would make posts about how Wrath was the peak of WoW, if not for dungeon finder. So if Blizz was actually listening to ‘the community’ then I was one of the people influencing their decision. And I was dead wrong.

What opened my eyes? Same as you: I played TBC Classic. Specifically on Mankrik. The LFG channel is atrocious. It’s endless buying and selling dungeon runs. Boosts after boosts. GDKP after GDKP. This is what Blizz cares about preserving? Please, this needs to die and LFD will make it so players don’t have to resort to that terrible system.

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