The Reason New Players Quit Retail

These two things push new and old players alike away lol. WoW definitely has one of the worst playerbases, and Blizzard often caters to it.

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New player would quit classic before reach max level…


What really kind of bonkers is: Back when Vanilla first came out, Warcraft was doing a lot of things many other MMO’s were not. In some ways making WoW somewhat “easier”

Almost 2 decades later, looking back at a lot of was once ‘easier’ in comparison to other games is now even easier when compared to itself.

Not a complaint, just an observation. I appreciate the juxtaposition.


Your class was nerfed, but that doesn’t prevent you feom playing it.

Many other players keep going on their favorite class and don’t expect itbto be over powered EZ mode.

The nerf was likely justified for a fair playing field. It was not personal.

Sounds like you are chasing the Flavor of the Month spec. If you do that, you should expect Blizzard to eventually “balance” the spec.

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Yes, Hello? It is me. Dalaran player.

And there it is.

If I were a new player, and I couldn’t do Chromie and I could only do BFA, I’d quit too.

If youre playing wow for pvp youre playing the wrong game. It has always been and always will be a PVE game with PVP an afterthought.

Edit: also, stop picking flavor of the month classes. Youll never be happy bc blizzard always buffs and nerfs and reworks things. Pick a class you enjoy and stop trying to pick the best

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If you’re constantly chasing shiny objects, you’ll never be satisfied. Nerfing over performing classes is something every game eventually does.

BFA dungeons being the stepping stone into WoW dungeons new players really doesnt help. I had two ret players with a 1h mace and a shield in that prison dungeon. The name escapes me atm. If they didnt know ret uses 2h weapons, then they probably didnt know that (for some reason) not interrupting anything was putting a strain on the healer (who was also new) and causing us to wipe. So I patiently described what each boss does what we should do. Blizzard has to work on a better way to convey information to new players because what theyre doing now aint it chief. I wish I could be a guide while leveling. That would be a great start. I love helping new players but blizz makes it unnecessarily hard for some reason.

The more you swap around, the harder it is for you to get better. If you stick with one class and master it, you’ll get further than you every will rerolling fotm every season.

As someone who knows a decent amount of new people and returning people who have quit (often within the 1st month), “nerfs” have nothing to do with it. For most, they found the entire endgame to be a pointless slog of chores for power systems they innately were permanently behind and were hella confused to boot. The difficulty of endgame content and the expectations of the pug community especially are like a literal massive vertical wall that the game in no way prepares you for. The moment they hit max level, they’re faced with a deluge of things they are immediately expected to know and be utter masters of without giving any kind of opportunity to get into entry level content because their respective gear/score is too low. So unless they have people to carry them, they essentially get brick walled on content and are made to feel bad and perma behind their supposed peers.

This is quite the important detail.

It is possible the balancing changes have revealed a deficit on your end that was previously obscured. There are class/pvp forums and discords where many experienced players are available to assist you with things that may not be visible to you at your level of experience if you are receptive to the feedback.

Every class has it’s day in the sun.

I played Fury in Legion. Imagine if your strength depended on a trinket that rarely dropped.

This is a very valid point OP. My friends swap mains in PvP a lot cause of this.

Adapt or die. You still have OP burst.

I love these delicious hunter tears. I’m gonna
Make a thread about it

All sharding needs to die!

Everytime i see these posts i think of nyhm song nerf you