The reason Kill Command NEEDs to be buffed

The reason it quite simple - so many things that are available to BM hunter are related to KC, however since it does nearly the same as the filler - it invalidates all those choices.


Killer instinct: increases dmg of KC by 50% when under 35%. Cool, except since it hits like a wet noodle you are better off going with one of the other talents because they give you better benefits throughout the whole fight.

Killer Cobra: cobra shot finishes off the cd of KC. Cool, let’s us use a move that hits for a bit more than the move that resets it’s cd a few more times during bestial wrath. Both other choices far outweigh this since it hits for nearly the same as the other regular abilities.


Cobra shot reduces cd of KC by 1 second. Cool, however for me at lvl 54 cobra shot hits for 798 and KC hits for 935… and that’s with 39% mastery - meaning it’s base dmg would be 570, which is much less than cobra shot baseline. This makes no sense.


Qa’Pla - barbed shot reduces cd of KC by 5 secs. Awesome! That is… if KC did some real dmg. As it stands a legendary power lets you use a move a bit more often that hits for a bit more dmg than your filler.

Flamewaker’s - Cobra shot has chance to make KC take no focus. Cool, we can use our filler a bit more often because we won’t use as much focus.


Essentially a weak KC effects so much about the class. It’s base dmg with NO mastery should at the bare minimum deal 10% more than the filler cobra shot. This is not to say cobra shot needs to be nerfed, but KC needs to buffed by quite a bit.


The tooltip and the damage done aren’t equal for kill command. Going off a recent mists parse my average hit with kill command was 3464 dmg and my average hit with cobra shot was 2245.

Yes it still needs a buff but the tooltip damage is also misleading especially if you use animal companion.

Thanks for the response Traiya, but there’s a few things you need to take into account.

  1. You have 35% mastery which increases KC by 35%

  2. using animal companion makes KC do 60% + 60% which 120% dmg, or 20% more dmg.

  3. you have the legendary that makes it crit for 20% more dmg during bestial wrath.

Despite all that going for it, it’s only doing about 50% more dmg than your filler on avg.

I get that your real effective dmg is higher than the tool tip, but that’s because of the legendary + AC talent that doesn’t get added into the tool tip.


This would also buff survival, which desperately needs some more burst

One is spammable - the other has a cooldown =_=