The reason Blizzard is doing nothing about unbalanced

Well corpse running is more efficient time wise.

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Hi! Just thought I’d update your thread. I’m not the ‘told you so’ type…but since I’m here…you were wrong, we told you so. Much love.


Flamelash says hi.


Lmao imagine being this wrong.


100% correct issues with WPvP has nothing to do with balance and everything to do with the massive world and no way to control when PvP happens, where, fair , balance to include when players play and what they do when they are on. Blizzard has zero control over WPvP and even if the population was balanced.

Thats true, but if every time you go out its always a couple hundred of the other faction roaming the world, its going to feel like they are all out trying to own the world.

Wrong thread

I can care less about faction imbalance tbh. My problem is with racial passive + pop imbalance is causing allies to not want to do wpvp. I believe when first wow was designed, they thought people would play alliance more so blizz gave horde with super racial abilities that would compensate for being less players. However, now in classic wow, most servers are dominated by hordes and alliance has no chance in winning wpvp with hordes having super advantageous racial abilities. My solution would be to decrease the resistance rate for orcs and longer cd for undeads. I play lvl 57 hunter and 60 orc warrior resisting all my traps is really discouraging me to pvp.

They literally gave the horde belves because the asian market was even more skewed towards the alliance, had they given belfs to ally and draeni to the horde, odds are the faction imbalance would have just gone alliance instead of horde, even if horde still ended up getting multiple xpacs with really powerful racials compared to alliance.

The old devs gave horde a “pretty” race to combat the vanilla faction imbalance, the current dev team gave horde, the vast majority raid faction, vulpera, while alliance got diaper gnomes.

The current dev team seems very ok with the majority of players playing horde, and have done nothing to address this besides removing pvp servers and adding warmode, which did nothing for the mythic raid scene, where the imbal is the worst.

Then what do you call the faction transfers they were implementing on servers way too late?

Because they are accurate. Very accurate.

They don’t have to be 100% accurate because even blizzard’s own numbers aren’t 100% accurate. But they are more than accurate enough to be reliable sources of information for every highly populated server measurements of level 60 characters.

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Not really. You see, WoW was designed as an RPG, not a balanced PvP experience. The racial abilities are all supposed to be themely to the race’s abilities and lore. That’s why Night Elves get their invisibility thing, so they can set up ambushes, or Tauren get better at flower-picking.

It is true that back in the day most people played Alliance, but that has less to do with racials, and more to do with aesthetics. Let’s face it, Alliance in vanilla has all the ‘pretty’ races, and the ones most people associate with the ‘good guys’ in Tolkein or D&D fantasy stories.

But the truth is that for the last decade people simply haven’t wanted to PvP as Alliance. Oh, sure, you have people in Arenas and BGs, but there’s a REASON why PvP servers died out, and Blizzard now not only added Mercenary mode to BGs, but also literally bribes Alliance to even turn PvP on. People simply don’t want to PvP as Alliance, and they haven’t for a while.