The Real Reason You Can't Get Rating

It’s not gear. It’s not your partner. It’s not your add-ons. It’s not your class.

It’s not even you.

It’s the Jailor. Your rating? All part of his Master Plan, like everything else in WoW.

So next time you fat finger a trinket or just play terribly, just remember, it was always supposed to go down that way.


I’m pretty sure it’s boosters holding me back, can’t win if I only play against r1 carries


Until next expansion when the new big bad comes out and we learn that they’ve been controlling everything behind the scenes.

WoW writing is so bad


:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

oh this is gonna be good can already feel it in my

Nice try, Dreadlordmanx, or should I say, Felnesskid!

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Gomachi, credible and valued warrior of Bretonnia and the Lady: I do agree with this sentiment, clearly this pilgarlik known as “Sofa” aka the “Jailer” is an entity of Chaos and must be responsible for uncountable sins against humanity, so unchivalrous is he that this hell-spawn-creature may even be so intelligent, crafty and ahead of us all that he could be even in real life as we speak.

By the Grail, evil shall not prevail - Gomachi


I might have just fallen in love over a forum post.

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I can’t get rating cause warlocks are OP and it’s all I queue into and the leaderboard is just Chanimal copy and pasted over and over and Method NA is playing triple warlock and all my teammates have warlock brain, plz send help