The real reason the Jailer wants Korthia

I’ve been thinking much about what the Jailer is up to with Korthia, and why it’s so important, you think he would be more concerned about getting the keys rather focusing on some random zone. So you might be asking yourself, why is Korthia SO, so important?

Here is the truth of the matter.

Korthia was most likely inspired by Kur, an ancient Sumerian/Akkadian afterlife, that unlike in most religions these days, the difference with this afterlife, it was a place people went to experience a shadowy afterlife in the world beyond this one, there was none of this annoying judgement business for what you did in life, no rewards, no punishments, none of that garbage. This is why the area is so important.

As we know for a fact, that what Sylvanas is trying to get away from, and perhaps the Jailer himself, is as far away from possible of this idea that we should be judged in the afterlife.

The fact of the matter is that things like desire and passion, anger, all the various emotions, even hunger itself is something that exists forever, hence why there are Devourers in the afterlife, this is why Death was never meant to be chained and why we aren’t meant to be playthings of any Gods,

The way I see it Korthia is the shadow of civilization, it’s the dead past…but here is the truth, the Eternal Ones were probably foolish enough to kill it, they let it fall into the inbetween carelessly, when if they were any good, they would have paid more attention, it has to be replenished, as to me what Korthia really is, is the corpse of previous civilizations that were left dead and forgotten. To me, this is never a good idea…as you see, things like hunger, desire, all these things are eternal. If there are First One artifacts left there, these are just manifestations of the Eternal Ones foolishness in trying to bury and chain death…when you chain death, and don’t accept death for what it is, you become more vulnerable. As you forget the lessons of the previous civilizations and their mistakes. This is why Bastion is an abomination, and memories are so important.

Also the Jailer’s strategy is brilliant…when I think what the best way is to confront chaos and uncertainty, the most ingenious way to do is by cutting the chaos around you until pieces then merging it together to make the world. Very simple. Brilliant, but simple.

Just something to think about.


You really are thinking about this way too much.


Or he needed to kill the Archon because she (maybe alone or just an easy targer) knew where Korthia was and how to find it. Then pull Korthia to the Maw. Once Korthia is pulled to the Maw, then the anima stream to Oribos can be turned on, allowing the Jailer to escape the Maw and enter Oribos. Once in Oribos he could take the place of the Arbiter.


The archon is confirmed to have survived. Seems a bit silly to leave her alive if she really does have that kind of important knowledge.

Exactly the signs of a brat and a coward. Something we need to prevent.

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I did not know that. But if he has the knowledge he needs (maybe from just the attack on Bastion or maybe the attack on the Archon was a diversion to get the information) than she isn’t important to him any more. She is obviously not a treat and not going to stop his plans.

Who is Korthia?

Holy smokes girl! That is AWESOME!!!

Whether it plays out that way or not, I love it!


The attack on the Archon was to get one of the keys. If the Archon died that probably would have been a sweet bonus but it wasn’t the objective.

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Ahhhh Sylvanas was mentioned, now I know this is a Lilithia thread, lol.
And why the Jailer wants it… because the Developers are too lazy to make a proper fun zone so they tacked it onto the Maw as an extension with some tweaks.

There is probably a key there. But covenants will make base there too. So it’ll be a rewardless, unfun, torture that you’ll be able to mount in.

9.2 - Jailer’s demise.
9.3 - New zone and we confront the true mastermind and Blizzard feels proud that they did some cool thing.


It could also be a sign that Andiun still has some small level of control. He can’t outright refuse the Jailer’s orders but he can chose how he carries them out. The Jailer probably ordered him to “retrieve the Archon’s key” or something similar. Since he wasn’t directly ordered to kill her he didn’t even if the Jailer probably expected him to.

On to the OPs topic. The most likely reason for the Jailer being interested in Korthia is that it’s probably where the Primus hid his key. The Primus is the crazy prepared type so he wouldn’t keep the key on himself nor would he hide it in Maldraxxus as that’s literally the second place you’d look. But a lost world that has slipped through the cracks on reality that few people even know it exists? That’s a prime hiding spot.


I thought he wanted Korthia cause she was single. Guess I was wrong. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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This brilliant strategic mind who opened a portal to Azeroth before his army could even invade it?

This brilliant light bulb that kidnapped some rando-King only to essentially mind control him with his super-death-powers when anyone would’ve sufficed.

This same genius who happened to remember to collect these rando-keys all the sudden from each of the Shadowland realms?

The Jailer is as clever as a bleached potato.


Do people actually care this much about WOW story? It’s just a simple zone (using Maw pallate) to farm your next currency.

He plunged a sword into a giant woman’s chest.

I’m not sure what kind of “control” someone could exert to make something like that less fatal.

He stabbed her in the shoulder instead of say, the heart or neck. He also only stabbed her once instead of staying to finish the job.

The real reason the Jailer wants Korthia is so we can farm for a 0.50% drop mount.


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Idk, but I hope he eventually choke slams that annoying Venari :laughing:

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Oh I am sorry, spoilers, Korthia is the new zone that’s coming out in 9.1.

Now here is the important thing to be aware of, that Korthia is a reference to Kur, which if you do research you will find is the underworld in Akkadian/Sumerian myths. Now is the truth of the matter…in our reality, Sumeria, is the world’s oldest known civilization, even more ancient then Egypt itself, therefore, the very first thoughts regarding the afterlife began here. But the interesting thing about Shadowlands is, that it does raise the question…what if the beliefs civilizations have had regarding in the afterlife, are not actually coincidental? What if, it actually it was a construct, a system?

For those that don’t know, the original belief in the afterlife, had nothing to do with reward/punishment, you just went to a shadow reality of our own, of course the disadvantage was there was more of a risk in being consumed by one of the devouring ones, and what would happen is that if you didn’t receive certain favors, your soul would simply stop existing.

So perhaps the original constructs of the afterlife were a good idea to prevent this risk of being consumed by a Devouring One, but as Sylvanas points out, the problem with the construct that’s been created is that it’s created a prison for ourselves, a system of reward/punishment that simply isn’t working.

So what if the situation is that civilizations ideas about the afterlife, were actually 100% true, and a reflection of the system that was at the time?

You see just how Sumerian beliefs regarding the afterlife are lost are forgotten in our reality, Korthia was actually the original place in the afterlife for souls to go, before it became lost to the in-between, so to me it is actually a VERY special place, it’s not just some random zone that was floating around in the in-between for no reason, it is most likely one of the destinations for souls to go, before Eternal Ones attempted to chain death.

It is basically the afterlife’s cradle of civilization.

Think about it.

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