The Race to World First in Nerub-ar Palace Has Begun!

As is tradition

The Mak’gora OTK tournament was about 10x more interesting to watch than RWF. I hope one day RWF will no longer be a thing and we can have more community driven events.


do ppl honestly watch this stuff?
like what’s the usual view count without some sort of mount pet drop involved


Probably lower view count than any given top end streamer doing wow.

In the hundred thousands I’d guess. Im more curious why people hate it. Its just a competition.

You guys cant seriously think anyone who isnt addicted to adderall and dopamine actually give a crap?

Also, I see “abuse first, abuse often” is still the M.O.


The last RWF was nowhere close to that.

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Will be watching but always kind of a bummer due to splits. Very unfair to any high level guilds that don’t have hundreds of fans at their beck and call to funnel gear to their core members.

The rwf is a community driven event… it’s not run by blizzard

Yeah well… I wonder when are we getting the delve tuning trinkets that was mentioned hopefully soon because getting a 603 or 610 trinket that is awful feels really bad.

Altogether. All streams, major broadcasts, ect. Do you have receipts? Id love to see them.

You are now my mortal enemy as my tribe Team Liquid shall prove once again to be the superior choice!



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Not really. It’s very obviously a corporate event encouraged by blizzard with all kinds of sponsors.


theyll be clearing mythic while we progress heroic and try to finish a 4piece set lol

i’d rather not look. just feels bad :wink:

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I guess we’ll find out tomorrow huh.

Whatever you want to believe I guess. If the big guilds just decided not to do it, it wouldn’t continue

They’ll stop doing it if they no longer make money from it, which is the only reason they do it in the first place.

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Im just saying, its hard to quantify because you have thousands watching accross dozens of streams.

I don’t think there’s an official tally. I’ll be watching Max on liquid as usual. Aways was a fan of how he manages a raid.

Hope this ends up quick so we can have Silken Court nerfed already.


You think Max will howl at the moon this stream? Tbh tho I like rooting for the underdogs and the not so competing teams too. Instant Dollars and Method were fun to watch for me last raid.