Do you really want my full and honest opinion about the Purge of Dalaran Folks? Well I will tell you.
The Real Reason why the Purge of Dalaran happened was because people complained and rant about how much a good peacekeeper Jaina was and they quote on quote don’t like peaceful good characters or just Characters who can’t do questionable moral acts. So They needed Garrosh to became a Evil Orc and pretty much Kill all of Theramore by the Bombing of Theramore who by the way wasn’t just Orcs but also a Blood Elf that also helped Garrosh captured the Mana Bomb and kill not only the Last remains of the Alliance of Lordaeron but innocents of Children, Women, High Elves, Dwarves, and everyone in that city all to make the Horde look cool and edgy of being genecidely maniacs. Plus not to mention that the Bombing of Theramore was also bad writing because it killed alot of characters that some people cared about but who cares they’re boring and they’re boring good characters anyways.
So now we get to Jaina even after losing everyone that she cared about and was rightful angry with the Horde. We get to Dalaran in general. Now the Sunreavers were suppose to be neutral but however due to being forced and threaten by Garrosh if they didn’t get the Bell in Darnassus who as a Horde Player in which you kill the Night Elves in this Scenario of where you kill the Sentinel Leader after the Alliance safety guards the Bell and Plus Dalaran who lost Rhonin at the time turned to Jaina for her connections with the Alliance after the Bell was Stolen. Jaina was rightful angry and calls out Aethas and Sunreavers for their betray of using Kirin Tor Resources and of course betraying them time and time again after not looking after their own which is Thalen Songweaver.
In the the Scenario Jaina calls out Aethas and the Guards was about to get ready to ether fight or kill her on the spot while you may say it’s self defense. Pointing a spell or weapon at someone is kind of threaten and leads to murder. After Jaina in self defense deals with the Guards she then ices Aethas and locks him up. Now in the Scenario of the Purge itself. Many People including my own Sibling who still has a hatered of Jaina and continues to talk or bring this up time, and time again. That this is mass genocide and that Jaina is still a mass murderer when clearly people including my darn sibling fails to see that what’s the difference between retaking a city or clearing out the City that is full of enemies who is dangerous to the Faction and set nation of Kirin Tor vs how Garrosh killed millions in the Bombing of Theramore with set help of Blood Elves by Thalen Songweaver, Sylvanas with set help of the whole horde and Blood Elves against Night Elves, and etc.
In the Purge of Dalaran from the Alliance point of view. You go into places where you see shopkeepers and store owners and arrest them or pretty much stop them from stealing and looting stuff from the City itself like the bank, stores, and etc and only time that you do kill them is ether they have spells that can attack you or weapons in hand. So they’re not really the innocent race as everyone else thinks they are but of course we gotta make Jaina a Blonde Hair Character Evil because she still is mass genocide maniac and continues that arguement to this very day.
As someone who plays the alliance more and is not really happy of how the Alliance is written in a way like that about Jaina doesn’t deserve justice for her surviving Lorderaon Kin or how Genn is a evil worgen killing innocent undead who can’t recreate life in stormheim, or Tyrande is crazy because of the Horde burned their her people and homeland while the Horde including the Blood Elves who probably did more questionable things in the Lore that is crime or leads to killing the Race and the Alliance Faction as a whole who paints themselves as victims and abused race and are innocent but clearly they have been shown time and time again that they are kind of selfish and too prideful and ignorant even during the Second War when they refuse to even sent help which is what created so call Garithos into the Warcraft 3 Story to begin with.
But if you really want my true honest opinion of all of this folks is that I really wish that the Purge of Dalaran never happened or was handle poorly or how the Bombing of Theramore didn’t happened as well. I can excuse some Story plots in the Story of WoW but Mists wasn’t really a good in writing when it comes down to the faction war and how mess up and butchered they ruined good characters. I think Mists of Pandaria single handly ruined Jaina because people complained about having good peaceful characters. That to me is the problem with the Alliance of the now or the Story of the now is that people want edgy story writing like game of thrones and morally grey story plots that don’t make no sense so we got to do some genocide plots of taking good characters who were victums of a mass genocide by the same race who left the alliance and joined the horde and was ok with killing innocent men, women, and children, in the story of the game to pretty much painting her as the evil mass killer and still to this very day.
Honestly I am sick in tried of it not just from my sibling alone but also everyone within the community about the Purge of Dalaran 100 Percent. But anyways that’s my rant and honestly opinions. You can dislike it or disagree with me but at the end of the day. I’m tried of the stupid dreadlord jaina memes or World War 2 Memes in general or making Good Characters evil in general. Because I’m sick of it and if I was a wow writer I probably retcon Mists of Pandaria into more of a better story then what we got.
That’s my two cents and Strong Honest Opinion.