The Problem

The honor system is apart of classic, if you dont want to get ganked, roll pve, regardless of server ballance it will happen all the time on pvp servers. If you want a good, and fair honor system play retail.

Thread 44 million and 1 of people that know and want to explain the exact same thing… the exact same way…

Everyone knows what the problem is… and it is simple…

PVP players crying because they rolled on PVP servers and can’t hang so they want to squawk all day everyday on the forums…


This makes no sense, Blizzard can’t nor ever will be able to control when players play, so the servers at any given time during the day will be imbalanced.

It is kind of humorous that people continue to complain. BGs weren’t there in the beginning of Vanilla, so they weren’t here at the start either. I ganked from Beta through, well I never stopped…

And now in Classic I haven’t stopped. BGs kill wPVP to a degree. So you might be saved a few ganks. :wink: maybe.

I’ve seen some very unusual pvp while using my transporter to everlook, winterspring.

The horde there seem to think you are
worth killing and getting a big repair bill from the guards that they never escape (seen rogues try vanish only to get netted and chased all the way outside lol)

I just let them try to kill me and use healthstone. If they couldn’t kill me before the guards kill them I /lol

Also I’ve seen a few horde corpse run 24/7 into iron forge to pick off afks/stragglers

There isn’t only one option for horde to farm honor

  1. Git Gud.
  2. Roll PvE.

What are you ranting about? They pushed BGs ahead of schedule to calm the masses. It’s a victory, why so salty?

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Your level of ignorance is hitting the edge of stupidity. Lets assume what you say is true and people are announcing in LFG that Burning Steppes is hardly camped. Lets assume you are 58-60 and not 54 and you want to start the Ony Attunement quest for the alliance. Enlighten me how will you do it trying, as you said “avoid those places”?
And this was only one of the basic examples.

Here’s what’s going to happen once p3 is released.
The undermanned realm will be farmed even moreso, because in order to que for the BGs, you need to be in specific places, no longer a need for the other side to guess.
You do realize, the Honor gain from killing in wPvP is worth tons more than inside the BG, esp turtle BGs like AV and WSG. If the servers are unbalanced where there are Ques for the majority realm to wait on, then the honor grind will evolve into a more brutal campaign.
The only change that will happen once BGs release is… a new location to farm, and it won’t be inside the BG.

The fix to all of this is… none.
Blizz released p2 way to early, and the servers should be wiped and restarted, that’s it. There really is no fixing the situation.
It kinda reminds me what EJ and FoH did to EQ when they jumped ship and worked for WoW, same people doing it to another gaming company. You all really need to stop listening to them and their meta type. They are in the business to exploit games, not help them.

Nah, it wont alleviate the ‘problem’ of people who rolled PvP when they should have rolled PvE, and it will introduce a whole new round of QQing.

the problem is this whiney player base that is mad they dont have the advantage because they want to be doing this to the horde.

Oh, look, I was 100% right.

Weird how many of the people who are brain-dead in this thread play horde.

Is this honor system different from the honor system in Vanilla?

Classic is not a new design. It is a copy of an old design – a design that a large number of players demanded, saying it is “better” than modern WoW.

You can’t argue with a 2005 design. Well, you can, but you are arguing against devs who have moved on. You aren’t arguing with the current devs.

In other words, Blizzard might agree that this wasn’t the best design today. Nobody claimed it is. It is a copy of an old game. It will stay that way.

If so, why did so many people demand “Vanilla WoW” for years? Why did so many people play on illegal servers that copied Vanilla WoW? Obviously it is not “nobody”.

I don’t understand the problem.
The only problem that has been mentioned is that some that don’t want to engage in PvP have created characters on PvP servers.

The game was perfect until you started playing