The Plunderstorm® Creator Royale returns January 25!

The Plunderstorm® Creator Royale returns January 25!

Yo-Ho-Ho! Prepare for pirates, prizes, and plenty of plundering as sixty of your favorite content creators clash once more within the storm-plagued peaks of Arathi Highlands. This unique event sets sail on Twitch and YouTube on January 25, starting at 10:00 am PST / 18:00 GMT.

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oh yay because we cared so much about it the first time around.
edit: would be more interesting if it was an open tournament instead of way for you to bribe streamers.


I wonder if this will surpass HC WoW streaming, probably not.

I myself just am not that interested in Plunder.

Coulda just had the game mode without the terrible streamer contest as well


Id watch a toruney with everyone who complains about Plunderstorm on the forums.


A lot of good streamers/gamers but no Eiya?

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Everybody will just run into the storm and die.
You’d have to change it so that it’s an actual wall to force people to fight if you want to ensure any entertainment value.
Or offer some kind of decent reward for winning or placing highly or something.

You don’t have to watch it. Lol

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Blizzard has my address

Im forced to watch it

Force them to play Delves if they lose a match! Should be plenty motivation to win! And it has to be Fungal Folly over and over and over again!

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Oh my, the most insufferable and narcissistic people on the internet, also known as streamers, competing against each other? Please don’t wake me up.


Sorry if the question has been answered elsewhere.

How long will the Plunderstorm event be going for this time?

Is there a point to having Creator Royales if you don’t have the most popular creatives…?

Why not make a real tournament instead if you can’t/won’t host them?

60 wow streamers at once?

Unless it’s the actual hunger games I don’t care.


Looks like a fun time. I enjoyed the previous one too.


I don’t really follow streamers but I recognized a few names out of the bunch.

Maybe the ones that aren’t appearing weren’t interested?

Not a single like in 4 hours. Not so sure GD really cares about streamers and these type of events. Maybe “effort” should go into other stuff… but what do I know.


Who are you referring to? It says at the bottom of the last graphic there are more duos to be announced.

“Targets Kelani” drops sign toy at his corpse.

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this comment is hilarious given your character profile looks like they are skulking behind a corner :rofl:

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