The Other Side was so disappointing

Pancake Troll, you are one of my favorites! Properly edited and credit given.





Are there lead up quests in ardenweald for de other side? It’s a cool dungeon but I just kinda walked in there with no prior zone knowledge.

Allegedly, but it seems as if they aren’t active yet. Or, at least, not attainable.


It could have been alot better, sure. And as it was, it was kind of lame. But hopefully the concept is expanded on as the story unfolds. It seems the Other Side has potential to be almost like Torghast or the Caverns of Time. Sure, it currently is a dungeon. But from my quick play through without quest context, it seemed to have… potential to expand.

In the dungeon, we are sent to specific people who Bwonsamdi directs us to in order to collect his bartered away Mojo. But it didn’t seem these were the only people he had access to, or the only people he made deals with.

Perhaps I am overly optimistic, but I got the sense that Blizz was expanding what the Other Side could be, and trying to convey that idea with the dialogue. They seemed almost heavy handed with the notion that “it ain’t just for Trolls”, as if to dispel it off the bat. So, where some people may say it is an underwhelming experience, I thought it could open avenues for Blizzard to go with later.


I’m sorry to hear you did not enjoy it. I personally found it to be a blast. One of my favorites of the new dungeons.

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De Other Side is pretty par for the course for Troll fans. It’s visually stunning and great aesthetically, but when it comes to actual Troll stuff it drops the ball and manages to devalue them. Seeing Hakkar is great, beating him as a dungeon boss is not. The Manastorms are always a riot, but having them in the Troll afterlife is…weird. Mueh’zala is demanding Bwonsamdi give up only Zandalari souls when Bwonsamdi looks after all Troll souls with the exception of the Farakki. I’m legitimately shocked we didn’t kill Rastakhan, Sen’jin, or Zul’jin’s soul while we were in there.

One thing I will say is that noticed was Bwonsamdi actually being more powerful than Mueh’zala, which he should be by Loa logic with his followers and temples. He does all the actual damage, we simply return power that he had been leasing. We can presume he has lent out far more than we gave him in the dungeon knowing his penchant for deals.


We had a whole expansion that dedicated 45% of it to Zandalari Trolls. I think Blizz thinks we have been Troll’d out.

I thought the addition of Bwonsamdi and the Other Side was because Blizzard noticed the positive feed back and added them in where they could.

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De Other Side reads as something that was tacked on in part because of Bwonsamdi’s popularity and him being a loa of death; it would be a glaring oversight if he wasn’t involved in the Shadowlands in some way.

The devaluing/minimizing of trolls and their culture is a constant in this game whenever they’re relevant in the story. In the Shadowlands, we see the Winter Queen’s disdain for loa despite not all loa being tricksters like Bwonsamdi, and sees them as intruders.


Classic, We had the Zul’farrak and Zul’gurub storylines

TBC, we had the return of Zul’jin and the Zul’aman storyline.

Wrath, we had the Zul’drak storylines.

Cata, we had Zul’aman, and Zul’gurub 2, Electric Boogaloo, this time with Zandalari influences.

Mist of Pandaria, Zandalari shinanigans with the Thunder King and the Dark Spear rebellion and Vol’jin becoming Warchief.

WOD, Vol’jin barely doing anything as Warchief.

Legion, Vol’jin dies.

BFA, Zandalar Story, death of King Rastakhan, Talanji becomes Queen and joins the Zandalari Trolls with the Horde.

Which is honestly strange, considering a large portion of them are just wild gods not unlike Ursoc.

Well, she did give the vibe that bringing Ysera before her was too lowly for her attention.


I love the Zandalari but loa lore these days kinda forgets all the other Troll tribes. Bwonsamdi is the Darkspear’s main loa of worship so you would think ol’ Bwon would have more interaction with them, especially lately.

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Nono, you people have it all wrong. Muehzala is the racist one, he just thinks the Zandalari are the only ones worth bothering for, none of that lessa junk.

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I am not a fan of hers. To be frank, I would need reasons to hold myself back from ending her. She is a rude witch. She wasn’t just mean to Loa. She was a Certified Unwelcoming Nature Tart when we ask her to help Ysera.

Dismissing Ysera as her sister’s pet… the sheer conceit and arrogance. Small wonder the Shadowlands are in disarray.

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There aren’t, it’s only if you’re Night Fae.

They really should’ve moved the Drust quests into the Night Fae campaign and the Bwon quests into leveling

Yeah they admitted to as much in an interview, they gave Bwon more centrality due to everyone loving him


Thank you for cataloguing the many examples of negative representation for trolls and how they’ve been minimized and vilified over the course of the game.


Dwarves, Gnomes, Tauren, and Goblins have been minimized also.

Baine is just Baine, I mean the whole Tauren culture in general.


it is such a massive let down that Odyn’s deal was with this literal nobody who gets bodied in fiveish minutes.