<The Origin> 3/9M: FRI/SAT 8:30PM-11PM PST Recruiting DPS for TWW Heroic/Mythic raids

[Tichondrius] 3/9M, 9/9H: FRI/SAT 8:30PM-11PM PST Recruiting DPS for TWW Heroic and Mythic Progression

The Origin is a FRI/SAT 8:30PM-11PM PST Raiding guild that achieves AOTC every raid tier and is pushing into Mythic Raiding when we have the numbers.

About Us: The Origin is a weekend raiding guild that likes to push content in raiding and in keys. We are a chill group of people that
strive to see all the content and raid/mythic+ at all levels. Our guild is a drama and toxic free environment that is accepting of everyone that is just looking for a fun group to raid and do mythic+ with.

Our goal is not to get CE although if we get there we get there. Our goal is to have fun with a group of friends and gearing up our

What we expect:

  1. No drama/toxic behavior: yes raiding can be stressful and yes wipes happen, people will make mistakes and most of the time they
    Learn from them in one shot but mythic raiding is wiping ALOT.
  2. Come prepared: Make your best effort, enchanted, gemmed, upgraded and have consumables for the 3 hours we will be raiding.
    (Note: we typically provide food/flasks/vantus but if only you die then be ready to self maintain)
  3. Understand the content: Know the fights, use resources like Mythic Trap to find out the differences at least in general.
  4. Attendance and riding the bench: Every mythic raid team tries to carry a roster of 25+ and depending on performance you may be asked to sit. We can take 20, if you feel like you are sitting to much reach out to an officer and they will do their best to remedy the situation.
    (Note: Performance and attendance will determine if people sit or not, often we have volunteers willing to sit for others)

What we need:
Tanks: Closed
DPS: DPS that is knowledgeable of their class, bonus points for tank/healing off-specs.
Healers: Closed
What you should expect:

  1. Guild repairs
  2. Consumables food/cauldrons/vantus
  3. A fun and diverse group of people to raid with
  4. Engaging discord conversations on everything from min/maxing, M+, alt help, and guild crafters.

Feel free to reach out to myself or one of the officers listed below:

AztecWolf#11266 - GM and RL
Priceless#1216 - Recruiter

Bumpity bump bump, still looking for dps!

Help us oBI one you’re our ownly hope!

There has to be some dps out there that wants to farm AOTC and step into mythic down the line!

Recruiting dps!

Xrealm mythic is now open but lets see if there are any Tich dps out there looking for some raiding!

Does our time work for you? Are you tired of spending your friday/saturday nights out with “friends” at the bar?


Apply or reach out today!!

Save money and spend time with ONLINE friends! Or just come raid with us!

Looking for dps and pally/monk heals for our core!

give up the pug life!

Reach out to me or the GM if you can make our raid times!

Who’s that dps thats looking for Mythic Raiding?

Contact us today!

I’m a super bumper, looking for dps! For Mythicccc raiding!

Holy moley we’re 3/9 come join the fun!~!! boopity bippity

Who’s that raider? Who’s that raider! LOOKING FOR SOME HAWT DPS looking for Mythic!



hi are u guys recruiting rogue dps?im 6/9m exp and recently made a rogue on tich!

can add me on btag snowflake#12451

Still Recruiting all DPS Roles for TWW and beyond!

Still recruiting DPS!

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