The only hybrid allowed will be warrior

I’m not the one sperging in each post, lol

Yes it is that is why warlocks win every dueling tournament because they are the best PVP class.

I’ll let you figure that out, bill nye

Looking at everything that is added in fresh…
I would say no.

This is era and these are era forums.

You are lost bro.

You are completely missing the point.

I get your point, it’s uninformed trolling.

So you are saying that this topic is false

I’m saying you are clueless.

Better him being clueless than you being mentally ill.

Feral OT’d MC-Naxx, what would you like to know why guilds should run a feral OT as their 2nd-4th OT instead of another fury Warr?

Who here is talking about a OT.

Hmm may have been confused by the point of your original post was then.

Btw Wasp is a poop command 0/10 not rec…

Mages beat warriors on 3 bosses in naxx. That’s not a big flex.

They also beat warriors in every aspect of the game outside of raid dps.


That’s a pretty big flex.

People talking mage vs warrior here but what about all the other classes? What is the point of some of these spec trees if they are designed toward performance in an area where their best aspirations in that role are below mediocrity?

warriors are not hybrids :expressionless: hybrids can do all 3 roles. every class can both deal dps and take hits to some extent. that doesn’t make them all hybrids.

Every tree in vanilla has a use, just not what some people expect.

For example, paladin protection tree is used by both holy and ret paladins in multiple specs.

Vanilla is all about classes not specs, outside of pve parsing (which is only a tiny part of the game)

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This isn’t retail. Every spec isn’t supposed to be viable in raid.

When will you realize this is what makes classic better than retail?

Defined roles and class identity.

If people wanted homogenized classes they’d play retail. And we aren’t playing retail.

GG you lost.

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It was a question, not a complaint. I am not advocating for any major changes. I am asking what is the point of, say, the Balance tree for druid? Every node seems to indicate that it should be a dps tree, but it doesn’t do that in any capacity that could be considered done “well.”

If their role isn’t to deal damage, then what is it? What is the role of each class and how does each tree help them perform their role better?

I believe that “some changes” are not only good, but required should they ever really want to do a real Classic+ and not the abomination that SoD is. I think it will be likely that they do some more changes over the course of the anniversary realms’ run as they still want to test the waters of how far players want changes to go. SoD was the “big changes” test, it makes sense that these servers will be the “little changes” test.

Wut did I lose? I wasn’t aware I was even competing.