The one concern I had about Shadowlands story

I don’t mean to say the story is good, but, to be fair, Sylvanas character is presented in this expansion as cold and putting aside her feelings for what she considers the greater good (with some moments of doubt), at least on what she shows to the outside. She even goes directly against his goals in the short term (free will), as long as something contributes to the greater goal in the end.

Also, we can see she’s not in an equal relationship with the Jailer. While she’s sort of an advisor, she takes orders from him.

That to me is enough justification.

Also, I believe the Sanctum of Domination is basically the Jailer’s house, right? I’m not sure, but I think it’s his domains, not hers. Sure, she’s the last boss, but I don’t think it’s her own place.

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He’ll be back

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Kel’thuzad could’ve very well taken Sylvanas’ role in Shadowlands and avoid us BFA + Shadowlands around Sylvie and making the Horde lose more leaders and look inept as they once again are used by a crazy Warchief, as if they don’t have experience dealing with that before.

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Actually this brings up an interesting side point. Kel was not always a lich so why, when he died, did he keep his lich form? Shouldn’t his soul be back to how it was originally or does the process of becoming a lich transform that aspect of your soul too? If that’s the case, then it’s fairly safe to assume his little jar was indeed broken since otherwise he wouldn’t have been in SL to begin with since simply killing his lich body just causes the soul to retreat back to his jar.

That all said, unless Blizzard changes things otherwise, it’s been very well understood that true death happens in SL when your soul and/or manifested body dies so, again unless something changes, Kel and everyone else is perma dead for realsies.

But Blizzard can very well be like your typical comic book and come up with some gotcha and bring anyone back under whatever hand wavey excuse for logic they want.

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I could go on my usual tangent on the dumpster fire that is Shadowlands’ lore and how many plotholes and absolute nonsense it’s main narrative has…

But seeing as the plan is ‘treat SL as fanfiction and we’re going to pretend it never happened’, I’m not going to worry about this!

And I feel it’s for the best.


We also kill KTs cat again!

Don’t forget that