The one binding club =(

I’ve seen eye of rag and the bindings, 5 viskags, bonereaver’s edge, but after 6 months being the only dagger rogue in my guild, have never seen a perdition’s blade.

I need Garr’s.

Atlasloot says 3% drop rate for each. That’s on average one of each every 7-8 months of clears. But with RNG you could get both in one month, or it could take 1-2 years.

MM yes I’ve seen that rogue in oceanic BG’s right?.
Think’s hes some hot sh. Funny to now find that he didn’t even earn the weapon just pure dumb luck from a pug.
I rek him regardless. He is then so shocked that he loses fights even with his shiny sword.

Ouch man! I got mine on the first Rag kill by my guild. Rolled a 94 after the other dagger rogue rolled a 92!

You just have to rub it in don’t you lol. I’ve seen countless warriors with it, and almost every other dag rogue has it at this point. I’m near full bis pre BWL with a gutgore, how embarrassing.

i’ve heard that some guilds have 3 TFs
ive personally seen 4 or 5 bindings drop

WOOT got my last binding and got TF tonight!! so I tip my hat and say peace!

Took me 15 years to get the second binding in Retail so good luck to you. The drop rate seems to be much higher in Classic with the high number of Legendaries I see in every BG.

42 garrs killed, still have nothing useful to do with my left binding.

Got my 100 Arcanite farmed and smelted into Elementium long ago.

We didnt get a TF in Vanilla either after many months trying.


Wish there was anything I could do about it to increase the chances. I saw the right half drop for another guild on my pally healer quite a few months ago.

Ha ha ha

I went through like 8 months of MC clears in vanilla and never saw Garr drop his binding. Now I’m at 10 months in Classic without seeing it. That’s a streak of 1 year, 6 months…

We have three tanks who’ve had one binding since December. Our guild has the second fastest BWL clear (horde) on our realm; there is one guild that takes two nights to clear BWL that has 4 thunderfurys. It’s sad.

Imagine having a binding and complaining about bindings.

My guild has ZERO bindings. I think we missed 2 or 3 MC lockouts out the start and have otherwise cleared it every week.

Some guilds on Windseeker are already seeing their 4th or 5th Thunderfury. A number of our warriors have everything needed to make it besides the second binding. It’s really heartbreaking to have to say “no binding this time”. We’ve been hitting MC every lockout since December - since March with two raid teams.

We did get the eye for the first time earlier this month, so maybe we’ve spent all our good luck on that…for a ret pally.

Fates help us.

At least you aren’t in the sulfuron hammer with no eye club