The Official Playable Haranir Thread

Any news on the Rootlands after the Nerubian Raid? Maybe that’s where we meet the Haranir Dark Trolls at.

You meet them in the questing now, but only briefly.

Rootlands sounds like a place to find more of them for sure.

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Yea some of them but I am hoping we see more of their people like more village buildings, and even their rest of their civilization as well.

Please give us Haranir as playable race in TWW. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:


It would be really cool to have them as playable. The only problem is that they are reclusive and secretive. They don’t want anyone to know of their existence. So what do you think will happen to get them to open up to us?


Their home gets invaded and we help defend it.

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Maybe so, but they will stay reclusive no matter what happens. There has to be something that makes them abandon their oaths.


would have been better then stinky rock dwarfs

True. The Haranir are definitely more interesting than the Earthen.


I really like what I’m seeing here. I definitely want to roll one of these asap, unlike the Earthen, which I do not really care for. Orweyna is awesome too. But I also like Brinthe lol.

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Perhaps the ones that join us decide to forsake hiding like Orweyna or they realize hiding in the shadows will no longer work?


What do you think will convince them to join us?

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Survival probably. Individually they may not break the oath to survive. But as a species, they would be much more likely if the alternative were extinction, imo.

I’m guessing Xal’atath will find them and threaten them for something she wants, probably magic or power.

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Their oaths are to protect the roots and not let anyone know of their existence. I don’t think survival is part of their oath. I could be wrong though.

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Hard to protect anything if they are all dead. The thing about xenophobic cultures is they are usually isolated in concentrated areas and much more at risk of being wiped out completely…

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Possibly from it benefiting their sacred charge in protecting the roots. It could be that the Roots come under siege from Xal’atath or another threat (Goblins? If its tied to the rumored Undermine raid) and we help them fend it off. In the aftermath, the Haranir decide to discard hiding and join us in the fight.

They could do so in groups or as individuals, like the Earthen.

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Bard reporting for duty, give me 24 hours for peaceful negotiations with the natives.

trolls are my absolute favorite so I’m psyched about this. I even loved the Blood Trolls - they looked so damn cool

No. Stop having ridiculous wishes.

I’m thinking they’ll be playable in Midnight.