The Odd Myth of the Night Elf Golden Decade

I know I say this a lot, but how is this anything other than something you simply pulled out of your behind. How could you possibly - possibly have determined this to be the case unless you have access to the reasoning behind every sub drop.


I took the line of best fit that a regression analysis using Warcraft as an independent variable produced, and subtracted that from the overall trend, leaving the errors or residuals. I also did this after removing other variables whose changes could explain within statistical significance, changes in the interest results in separate analyses (For example - interest in Illidan as a character).

Wait a moment. You say you made Illidan a point of interest in your analysis but are also saying Arthas is a non-factor when it comes to how many people have played Night Elves in WoW ,particularly during the Wrath era?

Am I reading that correctly?

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Arthas falls in under the Warcraft bucket. He’s a character that doesn’t relate to the Night Elves specifically. I ran an analysis on Illidan because Krainz, a poster from Scrolls of Lore, believed that Illidan explained a lot of the interest in Night Elves - something that I disagreed with. But it turns out that he was right on the money. It turns out that if you consider an analysis with him alone, you get a p-value well below 0.05, and an R2 of .2 (not great by itself, but it still suggests that if we just compare search interest in Illidan to that of Night Elves, the model would explain 20% of the variation in Night Elf interest, which is pretty shocking to me). Adding him and Tyrande to the analysis that considers warcraft pushes the R2 from 0.69 alone to 0.79.

Edit: I also included Maiev and Malfurion in one regression analysis that included Warcraft, Tyrande, Maiev, Illidan, and Malfurion. Maiev and Malfurion had p-values of 0.297 and 0.178, respectively - no statistical significance, which also surprised me.

So you agree the data is impossible to know for sure, and that you are simply using favorable data to interpret a point that may have various other factors involved?

Just because there is no way to know for sure, doesn’t mean what ever you want to conjure up is true.

I just stopped posting here in this thread, because I was giving myself a head ache finding different ways to say your whole methodology is just based on incomplete and biased information that can only be gleaned by the combined knowledge of Blizzard and the Players.

I am glad others, of both Factions, have continued to point that out. Even Alliance and Night Elf Posters. So it isn’t about Horde bias as you said in your OP.

Exactly. So why just invent reasons and use convoluted logic to back it up?

I played in Vanilla. I played a Darkspear. But I have very little interest in Classic. Almost 0. Because it is an old version of this game, and I don’t have much reason to play it.

However, I have an old laptop that can not run retail, but can run Classic. I made a Night Elf Druid, because I never played a Druid in Vanilla, and I am not a fan of Tauren.

I played a Troll in Vanilla and have a Night Elf in Classic. And only as something to play on that old lap top. My personal experience flies in the face of your “logic”.


Ardenweald content when it’s not neutral content is almost entirely night elf driven.

No matter which faction you are, when Ardenweald sends you into the Maw to recover lost souls, it’s invariably Night Elf souls and only night elf souls among the named souls you populate the Heart of the Forest with.

As far as the strike against Sylvannas given to Genn instead of Tyrande, that is virtually the ONLY thing given to Worgen who also lost an entire nation to the Forsaken. Everything else about Genn is him being subservient to the Wyrnn presence in a cinematic.

Tyrande is the lead person in the Alliance liberation effort on Suramar and she is the World quest giver for the Darkshore warfront. She’s also the one who takes down Nathanos and his dogs in the revisit to the Janseen Stead where Nathanos first made his presence known in the game.


Alot of this just seems to be complaining that the story doesn’t revolve around night elves and them not being the powerful snowflakes they were in Warcraft 3.

What you ignore in your post is the fact that by their inclusion in the story they have sidelined alot of other Alliance races like dwarves and gnomes too make sure Night elves get content. The fact the alliance is based around humans is a given and they could use a bit of Sidelining themselves but Night elves don’t have any reason to complain about representation, they are second behind the Humans in the story.

I can hope that Night elves do atleast get some development in regards to rebuilding a new home but I also want that for the Worgen and Gnomes who have been without their own city for far longer.


This is only based on my personal experience and observations, but essentially WoD was put forth as a Draenei lore expansion, but did basically nothing to advance Draenei lore at all. Many places that could have been great RP spots for those guilds were never pulled from their ‘on fire’ state, and in some cases were never fully implemented, Like Karabor.

The expansion was far more of an Orc lore expansion with the Draenei perpetually getting killed or enslaved, with even their moment of ‘victory’ being taken from them by Grom suddenly taking the credit. Draenei also lost one of their only recognizable lore characters, and didn’t even get Yrel as a trade off. Granted, in terms of long term themes damage, Orcs took it on the nose much more, but did get some cool stuff like the different clans and the clan armour sets. Compare this with Draenei, who didn’t even get to see the vast majority of the Draenei themed armours and weapons until the end of Legion, locked behind insane RNG.

Legion is another culprit, which saw our Draenei get their storyline stolen out from under them by new ‘edgier’ Draenei that we’d never met at all prior to the expansion. Most of the guilds now are Lightforged guilds, and are a marked difference from the more active and numerous Draenei guilds prior to WoD.


Warlords of Draenor was literally, Orcs the expansion. They didn’t suffer from that expansion.

The argument that Night Elves get a lot of attention doesn’t really hold much weight considering the majority of that attention is negative. Orcs get a lot of attention too, same with Forsaken, but they’re sure as hell not better for it.

While I agree that Night Elves are part of a larger issue, particularly with writing on the Alliance, they’re one of the more clear cut and obvious examples of those issues. Night Elves being stronger and able to stand on their own more would solve a lot of the issues with the faction war, by making them an actual threat to the Horde and thus making them, particularly the Orcs, look less like warmongering bullies and more like warriors fighting fiercely against a very real and dangerous foe.

This is not me saying they should have lost, say, War of Thorns, because I think they did well in that one given it was against the entire Horde, I just don’t think it should have happened at all. A lot of it comes back to Blizzard not writing the non-human races with their fullest capabilities to make them stand out more even if Humans have the numbers.


In terms of themes I feel they did, because it basically wrote off the entire plot of their racial narrative. Chronicle didn’t help either, of course… but the whole point of Orcs was that they subverted the general fantasy trope of Orcs being warmongering. They were a peaceful race that was corrupted, and that gave them much more pathos.

WoD made them into a race of bullies that only win because their victims are holding back, that then scramble for the nearest evil magic cheat code when they start to lose.


It wrote off the plot of their racial narrative? Huh? No, you’re talking about Thrall. The Orcs racial narrative isn’t that they were peaceful. I mean the themes of the main clans aren’t even reflecting what you’re saying.

Beyond how it’s not a betrayal of their portrayal. Warlords of Draenor was still Orcs the expansion. They got quite a lot of development to be curt. As people mentioned as well, the clans literally get their own armor styles for each clan. Saying the Orcs suffered from WoD is pretty crazy. What DIDN’T they get from this expansion?

I assume you’re talking about Marad who was the original from the Burning Crusade cinematic and not the “spare” Valen.

The original Orc lore, the lore that came about before Cata, and the entire point of the narrative surrounding Orcs was that they were a peaceful, shamanistic people who were corrupted by the treachery of the Legion. I did speak to how they got a lot of lore, and armours, in my original post, if you re-read it. I did like a lot of the lore we got for the clans in terms of their cultures but it basically ruined the nuance of the original lore in terms of their corruption. The original lore makes Orcs as much victims as the Draenei and the Humans, the retcons from WoD and Chronicle strip that away in favour of making them more ‘metal’. Old Orc lore had them as Conan the Barbarian with some spiritual aspects, current Orc lore has them as what an edgy teen thinks Conan is.

Maraad is who I meant, yes. While he wasn’t very recognizable, certainly the Triumvirate was more known from quests, he was still a Draenei lore character and the only one with a bit more of a reach besides Velen. It would have been fine if Draenei had gotten Yrel in exchange, even the stunted version of her character we ended up with, but… no such luck. And then they villain batted her to try and make the Iron Horde of all things sympathetic.

Why they didn’t just give us Outland Mag’har I don’t understand…


This is another demonstration that attention does not translate into good content - something that I wish would supplant the simple analysis of “attention = good things”.

Lack of attention from Blizzard since Cata has allowed the Dwarves to become the canon superpower of all Azeroth so I’ll gladly give up some of the attention to Orcs for a piece of that action.


Except you paint this as specifically a Night elf problem. Even Humans suffer from over representation. They have lost lands, cities just as much as the Night elves have. They are also presented as one of the weaker races in the setting that seems to be the first to fall to corruption of big bads.

No race has it any better than any other so stop complaining about how bad the Night elves have it.

I just discussed an Orc issue, Badmaa. Maybe you should put the stock line away?

Or not. It seems really, really reaching to sideline the mountainous amount of things the Orcs got from WoD just because of this expansions circumstance. WoD hardy strips them of any of the victimhood they have in the story lol. It’s always been my belief that the Frostwolves are the exception of the Orcs, and shouldn’t be the expectation.

Also, in my opinion. Some races have it leagues, and standards above, and beyond other races for what they want, and get. Some have it much worse then others.