The Odd Myth of the Night Elf Golden Decade

I guess that quest in shadowlands where you save nelf souls and kill with tyrande isnt nelf quest cause horde and other alliance races can do it


I get the distinction that you’re making, but I submit that it’s overly narrow. Very little content in the game actually fits the parameters you’re setting out here.


Admittedly I’m coming from this in a different direction, where I WISH I saw more horde-themed neutral content because ultimately I’m a big marshmallow who likes seeing the factions get along, and also because I feel that such content would help establish the horde in a positive way to help push the idea that the faction has value to the in-game world too, but I’ll leave it at that because ultimately this tangent of mine would be more fitting in one of the two redemption threads than this one.

I’m not going to say it’s wrong to want your own content either, in the same way that once in a while it’s nice to just have a plain sandwich because the fewer ingredients you add, the more you can appreciate the basics. Provided that it’s good content, it should be welcome. And the race is due for something like that, given how BFA turned out.

What bugged me about Tyrande is that it’s kinda like the worst kind of neutral content; where the other side is being explicitly made to feel unwelcome while being expected to do it. And I know WHY this happens because again, BFA happened. But it’s not exactly the cooperative neutral impression I’ve gotten from pre-Legion Cenarion Circle or Argent Dawn stuff. I’m more annoyed at the setup that caused it to exist in the first place, than the dialogue in a vacuum.


Unless we are talking about orcs and humans.

Edit: And the point of this post was to debunk the idea that the Night Elves have had a decade of more content and development than anyone else. Which is fundamentally not true.

all those quests where you kill orcs and humans ha

It is good enough for me and the others who call out your methodologies as spurious.

I would counter by saying your claims are not good enough and don’t have any relevance other than as some false biased claim with incomplete information.

Analytics can work, if the methods are right. But you are using incomplete data and biased accounts to bolster a theory. And the truth is indiscernible, when we can’t know why people stopped playing or how many people have accurately been playing for years. Blizz keeps that to themselves.


You and the others haven’t taken a stats class their entire lives. They don’t like the data, so they reject it.

finally someone said it

appeal to authority


It’s not an appeal to authority by just acknowledging that most people here on the story forums don’t know how to read a quantitative model.

That actually seems like a good basis of comparison. Can you give some examples of content for orcs and humans that meets Kyalin’s criteria?

“Has relevance to what the playable faction is doing”—I assume she means “race” rather than “faction” here, i.e. the Night Elves specifically rather than the Alliance as a whole. What content has been relevant to what the orcs or humans as races are doing?

“They are there”—where have “the orcs” or “the humans” been present lately, as opposed to specific orcs or humans? Kul Tiras, maybe, but then, do they count under the same banner as Stormwind humans? Did the Stormwind humans as a group have storyline because an expansion was based in Kul Tiras?

“They are touched by the content”—I think this comes under point 1 (“has relevance to what they are doing”) and point 4 (“changes something about them going forward”).

“It changes something about them going forward”—when was the last time the orcs or humans were changed by recent content? I’m guessing maybe WoD for the orcs and Legion for the humans, though it’s debatable whether Anduin taking over for Varian is human story or Wrynn story.


That’s strange, I would swear that one of the big plots of Hyjal questing was :

  • the betrayal of Fandral Staghelm (the co-ruler of the Night elves)
  • return of Malfurion Stormrage (as he was MIA all the time, or more like asleep all the time)
  • return of Cenarius, the most dedicated to help nelves wild god, and son of their goddess
  • reference to War of the Shifting Sands.
  • reference to war of Ancients and return of Ancients that played a role in it.
  • overall Access to Hyjal which for years was a holy place for night elves and very important zone for them. And guess what? It is entirely controlled by them right now.

Meanwhile the Horde:

  • witness how Hamuul Runetotem almost dies by being burned alive.

So I would say that this entire questing while neutral provided a very meaningful story for night elves.

I know that the way they delivered the story could be done better (as always), but to claim that it doesn’t count is imo laughable.

And @Akiyaas, I really wish Earthen Ring was Horde dominant since this faction was created by Tauren, but even in Legion majority of characters that appear there are from Alliance. And the representative of this order Hall is Nobundo!

ER was stripped from Horde’s identity completely. And it was the only Legion Order Hall that should’ve provided meaningful lore for the Horde. But it didn’t.


I initially misread this - apologies.

I think WoD is probably the best example of Orc “neutral” content that doesn’t relate to the playable race, except for the very large asterisk that it refutes the demon blood argument. Other than that, Orcish interests weren’t really advanced by WoD, and certainly not past Frostfire.

I would also be very hesitant to try and divorce the Wrynns from Stormwind. They lead Stormwind, they represent its interests.


I find it kind of funny that I agree with the OP’s point about the Night Elves, but disagree with everything else vehemently. I agree with the title and the major point, but everything else seems just wrong. I almost feel click-baited.

I mean, they are at Hyjal right now. The events in Cata helped secure Hyjal.

It sort of did lead to something down the line. They now have a secure place to go to. Even if all the races helped secure it in Cata, it is still part of the development of Night Elves going forward.


and tyrande and malfurion lead the nelves, yet you axed Malfurions content from counting


The events in Cata helped secure Hyjal.

This was not something established at the time. I am going to have to reject this sort of retroactive application on the same basis that I reject that the Suramar questline was “Horde content”.


Until BFA, yes, because his representation was in name only until that point. The same can’t be said for either of the Wrynns.

hyjal kyalin, hyjal, do you forget whole xpacs

varian was missing for till wrath, he is a part of the story all the way up to mop, both him and anduin have zero story in wod, they show up for legion and then arent part of the story, anduin then has a minor part in bfa

Hyjal was explicitly Cenarion Content - a medley of Druidic races banding together to prevent the world from being destroyed. This was separated from the playable race to such an extent that people were treating the Cenarion Circle as a separate country at the time, including the importation of weird concepts like citizenry and sovereignty.

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The events in Cata did lead to future Night Elf development, as the Night Elves are in a secured Hyjal. That is not retroactive… it is happening now. They are at Hyjal now because of events in the past. That is development from the events in Cata.


And who is the leader of that

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Not really. You could snip out the entirety of Cataclysm’s Hyjal content and it still would have been “set up”. There was nothing in Cataclysm’s content that established that what was being done was to make Hyjal habitable or useful to the playable race. It was done because Ragnaros was attacking it. Full stop.