The Odd Myth of the Night Elf Golden Decade

In fact if you look at legions data nelves were number one for alliance cause of demon hunters wouldn’t be surprised if that was still the case for max level characters

But it’s not the same game it’s not even played by the same people

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I didn’t understand any of it. Sorry.

Again - why you’re not using retail as some form of research? Shouldn’t that serve as some measure on how nelf popularity is dropping due to bad writing?

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It’s the same game, but the people have changed. The question of how those people have changed and what decisions population 2 is now making after 15 years of marketing was the item of interest to me.

@ Zanthora

If you don’t understand it, then don’t comment on it. Many of your questions were answered in the OP of this post, and in prior replies.

She doesn’t want too cause like the other troll player pointed out it shows that the nelf pop is still very strong


Mary has $100
John has $50

Mary got beat up and had $40 stolen from her.

Mary has $60
John has $50

Mary has more money than John =/= Mary did not get beat up for $40.

Well, I was told to not post on this thread anymore, because I am too dumb to understand this complex methodology.

something something inferior troll intelligence :upside_down_face:


It’s not your fault and you are not stupid. You are dealing with a narcissist zealot who thinks they are smarter than everyone else here. Additionally, they are using flawed, cherry-picked data to prove their preconceived notions, which even at a basic level is the entirely wrong way to conduct research.


Here another thing Kyalins whole point is that people arent playing nelves cause the story is bad, if we look at retails numbers nelves still have a strong pop, so if she would take that into account, the only conclusion is that nelf players are picking to play retail over classic which has the good story sooo, basically why are nelves playing retail when the story is so poo


I’m being ironic, don’t worry. Besides it was a good excuse to throw in-game joke. :wink:


And here it is - the parade of intentionally defective arguments and people ignoring the point.

You aren’t slick. I see what you’re doing.

Oh so this is about superiority then? You want to be better than other players, so you can laugh about them picking the wrong race


Have you stopped beating your dog?

I dont have a dog.


Are you sure you aren’t cherry picking your pets?

yep two cats, but one of them passed away last week so thanks for bringing that up to me


You have to understand. This is the same woman who only tried to correlate Night Elf popularity and numbers with Night Elf related NPCs (Tyrande, etc). Also, who could not understand why the Night Elf population rose during Wrath.

It couldn’t possibly be Arthas. Oh no. He doesn’t matter at all when it comes to Night Elf players in her mind. Night Elf players only make Night Elves because of Night Elf NPCs and Night Elf lore, etc.


I’m sorry for your loss. Cats are quite graceful companions in life. I have one too and I’d rather not think what it would be if she would be gone.


Even Night Elf NPCs explain very very little. But when you dismiss me “trying” to do those correlations - the results of the regression analyses are in the linked posts. You had to have seen them because you were commenting on them.

To be fair I don’t like any of the Nelf major characters, but as a race they have interesting lore and aesthetics and I like them best from other playable elves for that regard as they still maintain mystery and mysticism about them.

But ye, I fail to understand OP’s logic.