The Not So Secret life of the Hivemind

Could not care less. Not my thing.

I got it just after the WoW Secret Finding Community announced they cracked it. I didn’t get the Red Monocle. (I don’t like the water zones) I did however get the other 3. The Yellow Monocle with it’s 750 pieces was the most difficult. (I used the add-on to help.)

I found the chain to be a lot of fun, excluding the Yellow Puzzle, and I enjoy my mount. I am just sad I pugged it so I don’t get the speed bonus.


It’s ugly so, no, I’ll pass.

So your working on it ? Cause we are out of content already.

No, no where close. I am leveling up an alt right now. Just finish getting another argent tournament mount yesterday and doing the siege of boralus dungeon so I am ready for the kul tirans. I got my 400 toy achievement a week or so ago. I am currently working on farming legion medals for all the toys, pets and mount from those - probably have about 2000 of those but I have to check out the PTR so see how those portals work, I may have to buy those rings on all character except for my mage.

Just to put things in perspective in terms of how important that mount is to me, I will work on getting all the garrison invasion mounts before that one.

dangggg!!! you busy lol.

I got it and promptly forgot about it because it’s useless unless you are with the exact party that you went with.


I went after the mount immediately after hearing about it. Got it in a few hours (afterwards realizing that I DIDN’T actually need all four monacles
I loved the process. Especially the lights puzzle. A lot of fun figuring out that one.

@Bornakk I’d absolutely be going after it soon if I hadn’t already obtained it. Greatly looking forward to the next secret.
More puzzles / discoveries / challenges in game are always welcome!

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I went through getting all four monocles and then realized I couldn’t trade 3 to friends. Have been waiting 6 weeks for them all to pick up different ones. Gives me the sads.

Hivemind group is bound to specific characters and not account, so even if i complete with friends and family we’ll not likely ever be able to use it as intended. Nice mount anyway


I was so excited to get this till I learned it was only a multi mount for the people you did it with effectively making it useless and ticking me off


First day, I stayed up all night getting all four monocles, pugged the group content after a nap.

  • When i learned that I could only merge with that group of people who’s names are lost to me now
 Disappointing describes the immediate happy crash.

I love it, knowing the particulars before going in on it made it simple, get my friends and or guild mates. So my wife and 3 others I most often run with got the mount. It felt like an accomplishment made better by running it with friends and my wife :slight_smile:

Useless mount. Had great potential but as seems to be the norm now, you went and ruined it then told us we should love it more because we can use it less.


Brain dead dev mount is a more accurate name for it.

Got it but its pointless since none of my friends can get on it since im being FORCED to complete it with them before they can
 Such an awful awful idea and way to handle it.

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