The new wing transmogs are amazing!

No! You must stay resilient! Don’t succumb to the xmog

It’s too late!

edit: just kidding, there are no tokens for sale lol

I guess I will wait after all

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if the make the wings better I will have 0 choice but to throw my money at blizzard for them. the size of the wings are the only thing holding me back lol

Thank you! :heartpulse:

Don’t hit me with the adorable kitten :cry:

Isn’t that the worst? It’s like finally giving in and deciding to binge on some ice cream… only to arrive at an ice cream-less freezer. Then you’re just left with yourself and your poor choices, but no ice cream :frowning:

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They are okay. They would be nicer if they were larger and more obvious. At the current implementation, I doubt that I would find a use for them except on a vulpera or gnome.