The new holiday is just so weird

I… got stuffs to tell ya about just about every major holiday that exists. Where new religions appropriated old traditions and smooshed their practices together to make things more palatable to the tribes, clans and kin and parties they were trying to convert.

St. Valentine’s Day was layered over Lupercalia by Pope Gelasius in hopes that it would sanitize the pagan roots.


When I hear people say “love” or anything about politics, I know immediately to not listen at all. It takes practice, but 10/10 would recommend.

People complain for years about updating the holidays. Then complain when they do.


GD never changes.


All I know is you better be careful about that Panderia picnic area.

I nearly fell to my death coming out of that portal. And that was after I got dropped 50 feet outside the gates of Org.

Not really sure some of the locales. Perhaps something more beach or flat would’ve been safer. lol

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Complain about a made-up holiday being not like a real holiday. OK. :smile:


looks at Saángreal’s class

Second, death? Let’s not go overboard here. :upside_down_face:


I also like that self care is hippy dippy. Everytime I brush my teeth, comb my hair, take a bubble bath or practice general acts of upkeep and hygiene, I now get to tell myself I’m a true tree hugger. Not a fake tree hugger.



I appreciate being able to enjoy the holiday without it being centered around romance. Love takes so many forms that people do not notice or acknowledge as love, it’s nice to see love that isn’t romantic. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


So thats why those heart candies taste so awful


The color effect of the portal is so pretty I could watch it all day. The person who designed it REALLY knocked it out of the park. I would do bad things (ok, not really, but trying for emphasis) for some kind of wearable item, mount, pet or toy with that effect, so I could enjoy it year round.

The quests ASSOCIATED with the portal are godawful, however, and the person or persons who designed them needs some guidance on MMO design (newsflash, there are lots of people in them!) and the concept of entertainment.

The flower picking was bad enough, thanks to a lack of adequate phasing to keep numbers down, but it was doable. I ended up picking a plant and parking there for the respawns, since I just couldn’t compete against unprincipled druids.

The “gift” one on day two was so badly designed, tedious, and overcrowded that I DNF on my first toon, and ultimately skipped it for every single character.

I didn’t mind the relaxation one, because you could get books towards “Well Read” - and who doesn’t like petting animals and drinking wine or tea? Plus, you could literally AFK and complete the quest - great for flipping laundry or getting food or drink.

Tell us you don’t have platonic friends without telling us you don’t have platonic friends


Wait… I never saw this. How could I miss such a thing?


Only hippies have friends. It’s weird, kinda like this holiday.

Okay, Okay. Done raking this over the coals.

BBQ someone on forums with love achieve = complete.


Once a day

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I thought you could buy as many as you want as a gold sink, my bad.

I got everything by using alts, I just need the boat toy and mount.

Good to know. Thanks!! :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

I mean, they made a romantic holiday have the hardest mount to get in the game, and then trolled us all by telling us how they understood it felt bad, so they’re addressing it…and the drop rate is still garbage, and mostly rewards new players given all the annoying people going, “well I got it the first try, I don’t know what you all are complaining about!”

WOW knows their audience, they know people don’t go out and get a girlfriend or boyfriend but instead get all depressed and lonely.

I haven’t even checked it all out. I just que for mount chance and log :rofl:. Maybe I’ll go check out the new stuff now.