The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

They want feedback on what parts aren’t working with permissions? Okay, I’ll give it a go and try to be as concise as possible so they don’t have to read a lengthy post:

  • The “IsOfficer” checkbox isn’t working. Remove it and put in granular permissions.

Takoda, I would quote your post, but it’s right there, two posts above me, so quoting seems silly.

BLIZZARD: Look up there at Takoda’s post ^. That, right there, is all the feedback you really need. Specific, detailed, clearly written, with prioritization and everything.

And I totally agree with those priorities.

  1. Permissions
  2. Recruitment
  3. Perks

I would add a fourth, Guild Halls, but that can go under Perks.

So, thanks to Takoda, you’ve got what you asked for, Ion. Now get it done.


Also - Fix PvP


From the recent Q&A

Sigh. Really?

Blizzard, you can scroll back through this thread as easy as we can.

However, if you insist that we continue to do your job for you as we have now for years as Guild Leaders (for free, with these now very questionable tools) so be it.

Firstly, so you understand, I’ll paraphrase Fumal from October 26, 2018

"Guild Masters need to individually determine what it means to be an “officer” in their respective guilds, not some Blizzard employee(s). We don’t need clumsy, one-size-fits-all, top-down interventions (“is officer”) imposed upon our personal guild community. Give us customization, let us manage at the local level, decide to distribute or not distribute power and responsibility as we see fit.

(I changed it slightly Fumal. My apologies)

Very basically. For my guild, we used the separated permissions to:

A} Weed out undesirables

B} Learn who was interested in helping the guild out.

C} Reward various levels of participation / helpfulness / trustworthiness etc…

D} Distribute guild power to take some of the burden off the Guild Leader’s shoulders

BloodOath is not a business, nor is it military. However, we do borrow some concepts from both of those. I’d bet many guilds do whether they realize it or not.
We of course have ranks. Each rank has it’s own unique rewards and responsibilities. As you rank up, those rewards and responsibilities increase. We use these increased privileges as incentives to do well, be helpful / useful to the guild as a whole. Solo players who keep to themselves, the unreliable, “sometimes players” etc… rarely if ever rank very high, or at all.

Think about the corporation that is Blizzard.

With all due respect:

Slapping the “is community manager” checkbox title on some fresh new “recruits” from the Acti-Blizzard mail room, then setting them loose would be foolish. The same can be said for giving CEO power to the community managers. That would be unthinkable.

Yet this is what Blizzard expects us “Guild Managers” to deal with now.

“Is officer” is a bad joke. How this isn’t blatantly obvious (especially after these many many months with dozens, if not hundreds of well written posts here on this thread explaining exactly why) is hard for me to grasp.

What do we “miss most?”

Everything dear Blizzard…


Please separate / revert / generally fix the guild permissions.

Thank you.


Continuing my read-through of the thread where I left off (I was up to September posts). Since someone at Blizzard gets confused if the posts aren’t specific enough, I’ll try to quote only the most specific parts of the posts from now on. You can go to the original if you want to read the whole thing.

Now, I don’t know where these suggestions go priority-wise. Definitely the permissions part is number one, of course. But I think the guild bank suggestion is a good one that definitely should be added at some point.


Cross-posting another thread I found this morning. This GM posted a long list of guild management tool suggestions in response to the Q&A.


Takoda’s post is concise and clear on some of the major issues. I have an issue that was not discussed in that post and I feel it needs mentioning.

The Guild Roster needs to be restructured. GMs and officers need the ability to manage the roster more efficiently.

Currently the roster is limited to 999 characters, with notes that only the officers can read and/or change and no transparency is allowed to even the player whom the note is intended for,

Personally I am using a Spreadsheet to echo details that I feel are crucial to maintaining the roster. This should not be necessary if they could just make some changes.

1). Instead of individual characters, we need a player profile. While some have only one character in the guild, many of our members have many more than one. My server is connected so a player could potentially have up to 31 alts in our guild. Perhaps allow the player to select which character will be their main. Or give the guild master the option of locking it so they can’t change it without permission. Within the profile, give the officers the ability to promote/demote/kick all characters within the profile or to select specific characters within the profile to manage.

2). Bump up the character cap on guilds. Currently the restriction is 999. Either bump this up or perhaps change the limit to 999 player profiles, with no limit to alts, aside from the server limits.

3). Notes on characters / profiles should be bigger. Preferably long enough to include a log. (i.e. Joined 3/16/2011, promoted to officer 12/25/2012, retired 8/14/2014, returned 8/25/2018.) I would also like there to be an option so that notes may be transparent to the player and/or the guild while they are still restricted on modification to just officers.

4). How difficult would it really be to include a link in-game to the WoW armory profile of each character. This way notes are not needed for things like “ilvl 406 tank, max alch” a quick link to wow armory shows this info already.

I feel like this is going back to beating the dead horse, but Takoda’s post was so informational, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to append to it.


I knew I was forgetting some things! How could I not talk about roster management? Thank you. I agree with all of your suggestions here.

I really like the idea of a player profile and unlimited alts. Since we’re getting 50 toon per server limits, this is probably going to become more necessary over the next expansion or two. Might as well future proof it now!


Excellent ideas about the guild roster, Lucy.

I know Ion wants us to prioritize our needs, but it’s hard when so many of them are truly necessary. I guess I would prioritize the ideas as follows:

  1. Guild permissions separated
  2. Guild Roster restructured (including making the cap on membership be players, not characters)
  3. Guild recruitment tools reworked
  4. Guild perks added (including guild halls).

Since we’re throwing out a few ideas, I’ll toss out one or two things I posted here months ago for the sake of anyone from Blizzard (maybe) reading this who cares.

First of course I’d like to see the permissions restored as they were.

I explained why a few posts above.

To add some functionality to the guild ui, (for me anyway) it’d be helpful to be able to send someone who’s requested to join the guild via the much outdated in-game guild recruitment tool (please update the recruitment tool) an offline acceptance so they can choose to join the next time they log in. If they’ve applied to more then one guild, perhaps the ability for said recruits to see the multiple acceptances from various guilds upon login, so they can choose among them.

I for one need more room to make both officer and general notes. Meaning, for me at least, I would like far more space to be able to write much more detailed notes. Also, maybe a place for GM only notes. Sometimes, (again, for me at least), I need to make a private note, reminder, etc… to myself as the Guild leader that I don’t necessarily need or want all (or any) of my officers to see.

Sometimes leaders need their privacy.

As a side note. A poster above had some great ideas, and I agreed with many of them. However, a “stopgap” fix for guild permissions is one idea I am not so sure of.

For me at least, I want the permissions fixed correctly, and for good. I for one am willing to wait a little longer for the proper fix instead of trying to deal with some clunky temporary “duct taped” fix that isn’t really a fix at all.

And now back to our show.

Many months ago, I posted the idea of a Guild Hall for ALL guilds (even the tiny or one / two person guilds)

I was a little more then shocked when I saw how well received it was. Someone even “borrowed” the post I originally made, and used it on another thread to promote the idea of guild halls. Unfortunately I have not checked back on it. I do however hope they do well with that.

So. Guild Halls:

Here’s what I can remember from my original months old post (Yep, I am way to lazy to go looking for the original.

(Fumal I am not) :smiley:

With scaling, I’d hope that most of the following would be possible.

Imagine your guild hall. It’s instanced of course. Only members of your guild, or those invited by your guild can enter. For me, I’d have the entrance for the Guild Hall in a major city like Stormwind, or perhaps even an entrance in multiple cities. Perhaps each new entrance could be earned over time by the guild. There would be guild banners hanging outside the entrance that you and all of your guild would see as their guild colors / crest.

Inside you may find things like a “guild library” In said Guild Library is a tome of history. If you “read” this tome, you’ll be able to view the history of your guild and it’s members both older and newer starting from it’s very day of creation to the present. Who’s come and gone over the months and years, your adventures together as a guild ie: Your Guild took down The Lich King back in 2009 when Player B was still the GM etc…

Inside your Guild Hall will perhaps hang more Guild Banners of your own creation. You of course made them using the new and improved tabard / guild banner creator / designer.

(Blizzard, please improve the old tabard designer and include banners for our new guild halls…) :smiley:

The new and improved tabard / banner designer has many many more crest designs, borders, and colors to choose from. Perhaps even the option to include the guild’s name (or an abbreviation thereof) can one day be included.

There could be several quest givers inside as well. These would of course be guild only quests. Some would always be available and some could be unlocked by doing certain tasks, quest lines, or achievements only doable by certain professions or even classes.

Example: A Blacksmith only quest-line to get the guild a proper legendary or three. These would be more like the old days of Wow, not the newer Legion versions. (Not that I didn’t enjoy those. I did) For me though, the fun and excitement of the challenge was missing …

There could be guild only quests to unlock guild rewards of all sorts. pets, weapons, vanity / cosmetic / xmog items, glyphs (Blizz, we need glyphs back as well please) enchants both practical and cosmetic for weapons and even armor. (Why not have an enchant to make my helm, cloak, and or shoulders I never show anymore drip blood or brew, or glow brightly with hideously awesome skulls / ghouls, smoke, feathers, etc… so that I might be more likely to show them off?

(Feathers? Eh, ok)

These should be made to be doable with both large, medium, small or even one person guilds. Although in my opinion it should be a bit harder for the smaller guilds to accomplish these things, just not impossible.

The quest givers in the guild halls should be able to have many new quests for a great many variety of in-game interests, Proffs as mentioned, fishing, pets, guild perks, treasures, mounts, toys, titles, etc… (perhaps some quests thrown in to help speed up some of the harder reputations to gain, even from older content)

I’m pretty sure there was a lot more stuff mentioned in my original post, and a few of these things in this post (for better or worse) I came up as I was writing.

(Feathers? Eh, ok)

I know not all of these things are good (Feathers…?) or even practical ideas, and maybe most, or even all, are not ever going to happen. But since Blizzard asked, and we’re throwing out ideas…

At any rate, that’s what I could remember from my old post plus a few new ideas that popped into my head. I’m sure many of you reading this can come up with some great suggestions if you feel like adding anything to this.

Thanks for reading. :sunglasses:


First, I like feathers. :frowning: I’ve been complaining for years that I want feathers in my braids and mane. And also on my belt, and my boots, and my bracers and my TAIL… Why can’t I shake my tail feathers!!! …ahem… I like feathers.

In many ways, I do agree with you here. However, we don’t know the timeline to detangle permissions. If we’re talking about getting permissions fully detangled in 9.0, and they can do the “IsAdmin” thing in 8.2, then sign me up for “IsAdmin.” If we can get permissions fully detangled in 8.2, I’m happy to wait.

Basically, I don’t want to have to wait another 9 months to hear “It’s coming Soon™.” And then actually get fixed permissions 9 months after that. If it’s going to take that long, I’d rather have a small improvement to keep things going while we wait for a proper fix.

Ahhhhh, guild halls. I have really mixed feelings about this. The basic idea is a very attractive one, and would definitely go a long ways to restoring guilds to the central place they deserve in an MMO.

However…I absolutely do not, under any circumstances, EVER want a guild garrison. I do not want to spend two years building up a guild hall only to abandon it in the wilderness of another planet in an alternate timeline when the next expansion comes out.

And I’m really really sorry Blizzard, but I do not have confidence that you guys would deliver on a proper guild hall. (Please prove me wrong. I dare you!) A guild hall would need to last through expansions, carrying over from one to the next, for years. We would need to be able to get new improvements and upgrades and work on it more or less continuously for 10+ years.

I mentioned guild halls in discord last night to see what would happen, and there was an instant flurry of excitement. Suggestions of decor, guild vendors, and a portal room extension were thrown out. The interest is there, for sure. But then someone (I swear it wasn’t me) said, “No game has ever done a guild hall right.” There was a sad chorus of “Yeah…” and the conversation died.

So, if Blizzard does attempt guild halls, it will be an absolutely giant task.

…feathers are cheaper…


Agreed 100%

Having alt issues, I have literally dozens of mostly useless garrisons already…

Also agreed 100%

In fact I meant to state that clearly in my other post, but I guess I got sidetracked by…feathers…

The guild halls should be continually upgradeable for many many xpacs to come. Attractive places to hold guild meetings, events, etc…away from the general population of Wow to avoid gawkers / looky loos, toxic trolls (not the good kind like Venjin) etc…

Yet not so attractive that people want to spend all their time in them or are in any way “forced” by the game to do so. (I’m looking at you WoD)

Blizz. How about throwing in a dance hall within the guild hall for some good time boogieing guild fun?

Yeah. Now I’ve really gone and asked for too much…


^This, 1000%

If Blizzard could design and deliver real guild halls done right, it would be a major game changer. It would be a turnaround for WoW and signify that Blizzard is once again committed to its core philosophy of making great games for gamers (not investors).


Still continuiing through the thread, picking out specific feedback to highlight.

As you can see, Nysalla’s priorities are:

  1. Guild rank customization (reverting to the original permissions and expanding on it)
  2. Chat channel improvements (multiple channels with customizable permissions and optional persistent chat)

Seems like pretty straightforward requests. I think someone with a law degree ought to be able to understand the post with little trouble. (Honestly, it shouldn’t take any degree to understand it.)


They want details? As if this thread hasn’t been concrete and detailed and respectful for how many months?


  1. Revert the guild permissions, and have it fully restored by 9.0. If a stopgap is necessary to improve by 8.2, I’m okay with that, but I want permissions back to where they were prior to 8.0.

  2. Roster Management. In addition to the fantastic suggestions above, I want a search bar and iLevel as a sort function instead of Achieve points. Also, I’d like to be able to ban accounts when I have to remove someone. I don’t want them sneaking an alt back in.

  3. Chat channel improvements would be fantastic. With multiple layers of leadership, having multiple ‘officer’ chats would be handy.

  4. Recruiting. The in game tool is outdated. Let us have a ‘token’ to mail to an interested party, and if they want to join the guild, they click the token. GMs can set permissions on who can send tokens, and the receiving player has the choice on destroying it or clicking it.

  5. Guild perks. Please make guilds relevant again. Master Looter needs to be an option for guilds only. Please review the perks (they are currently rather underwhelming), and guild halls. All I need is a feasting hall, banners from every faction we’re exalted with, and trophies of legendaries and raid bosses. Bonus for having it something that can be upgraded and tweaked over multiple expacs.

  6. Feathers. Takoda needs them.



This idea has been mentioned a few times over the course of this thread, and it is still one of my all time favorite ideas regarding the improvement of guild functions when I see it brought up.

Over our guild’s many years, players attempting to return especially on alts unknown to us has been a serious issue.

More times than I’d like to remember, we’ve had disgruntled former guild mates rejoin us under an alt and attempt to cause drama within the guild.

I also love the idea of “Guild Tokens” to invite offline applicants.

I often send an in-game mail to offline applicants anyway. This would certainly compliment that.

And of course,
Feathers for Takoda.


So, continuing my read-through. I’m quoting my self this time because I gave some very specific feed-back about how to improve guild recruitment:

Now, the permissions are still the #1 priority. I would put recruitment at #3, after improvements to the roster (#2). This is because GM’s need the management tools before they recruit more members. And then, of course, guild perks (#4).



Jusuf Nurkic just broke his leg.

There’s your timetable.


Fumel can attest:

I am drunk.

Not Toxic.


Here’s some more specific feedback from September about ways to improve recruitment:

I thought it would take me longer each night to find a post with specific suggestions on improvements. It’s true that the majority of posts are simply deploring the permissions change and the lack of response from anyone at Blizzard. However, it turns out that detailed posts aren’t really that hard to find.

Now, people haven’t really been prioritizing–probably because we pretty much all agree that fixing the permissions is the number one priority. Honestly, I think Ion’s comment about prioritizing is more smoke and mirrors pretending to say something when he’s really not.

But anyway, as I said before, recruitment is important, but not as important as managing the guilds in the first place. My priorities:

  1. Fix permissions
  2. Improve the roster functions
  3. Improve recruitment
  4. Add guild perks