Full transcript below - most relevant bits bolded for those who like a tldr.
Q: Is the communities feature worth putting dev resources into moving forward? It seems to have caused more issues than it solved, and there have not been many changes to the tools we can use to manage them. We’ve only lost guild management tools. @Scartotem
Lore: We’ve seen alot of feedback along these lines. I know that we’ve made some improvements there already, but overall, this sort of sense that when communities was rolled out into WoW, and the guild system was moved onto the community system, there was a lot of friction there. So how are we feeling about that at this point?
Ion: I think communities as a whole we very much feel are worth continuing to invest resources into. We’ve seen a ton of communities popping up for cross server gameplay and activities. There are everything from YOLO BGs to keystone pushing groups to cross-server raid groups that can easily recruit and communicate and maintain a calendar and maintain a schedule in a way that is compatible with the way guilds work. So we have alot of cross server communities. we want cross-server social groups and the ability to be in multiples of them.
Now from a technical perspective, we shifted the infrastructure for how these groups were built from something that was native to world of warcraft to something that is consistent and tied into our [battle.net](http://battle.net) platform more broadly with cross game communication there. And we lost some things in that transition. Some of those were granular permissions and we’ve worked based on some feedback so far. Early on, where we re-added the ability to have guild ranks that couldn’t speak in guild chat for example. If you wanted the ability to mute that really annoying guy in your guild, get him to shut up without actually kicking him from the guild, you can have a rank that is muted.
Officer permissions are still more tangled together than we would like. We are getting support back from battlenet and want to be able to add that granularity back going forward. It’s something that we’re actively working on. At this point, we hear alot of general feedback about “fix guild permissions,” but not as much “this is the exact specific thing that I would like to be able to do with my guild that I can no longer do.” That type of very specific feedback is what would be most helpful.
I know that those posts have been out there. I don’t want to say that no one has done this. But for you specifically, if you’re voicing the concern that guild management tools are lacking, it would be super helpful just so we could understand the relative weighting, popularity, and demand of each of these features and what it is you miss most so we can prioritize that accordingly.
Lore: That’s something worth calling out about feedback in general, if you’re submitting feedback about class design, about azerite armor, about islands, and so on. We’ll see general feedback of “this isn’t fun, or I don’t like this or when are you going to fix this” and while we can then go and find other posts that do say in more detail here are the issues, we’re then attributing your opinion to what someone else’s opinion is, and maybe your thoughts on that are actually different. Or maybe your way of expressing your thoughts on the issue is something that makes a little more sense to us and we can understand a little bit better.
Ion: Exactly.
Lore: So in general with feedback, when you can, it’s always best to include as much context as possible.
Ion: Or to tell us to fix PVP.
Lore: Or just tell us to fix PVP.
Ion: We’ll get right on that.
Lore: Yeah. We’ve got a wrench, and we’re working on it right now. [moves on to next question]
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/398938704## Timestamp 1:01:04