The new brutosaur mount is a failure (in concept)

Maybe it’s a hot take, but my only issue about the brutosuar is the model.

A long neck dino as a mount just looks so dang goofy to me, but I’m sure that’s why it appeals to some so I’m glad they enjoy it.

I wish they went with a different creature/model for the mount like how they made the new transmog mount a bear.

I also very much dislike the yak model so I scooped the grizzly bear mount up asap lol


Is anyone actually impressed by store mounts?

Personally, Id have prefered it was a mammoth…or anything smaller.


What we need is a Grummle stall we can buy modules for.

We should also be able to buy vendor modules to replace the dated ones on any old vendor mount with modern consumables. Or trade goods. These could be an engineering item.


I spent $1000 on a gun for a name brand when I could have gotten one just as good for $250 bucks.
My money, my choice.

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Umm, ok… cool?


Nerds seem very --impressed-- by any digital pixels, especially in Wow.

all wow players are nerds…


It’s very nicely detailed though. I like how there’s a wolfs head on the side with the orc and a lion’s head on the side with the human. And I like the dark portal figure standing on the back of it. Guarding the treasure chest.


but only a portion of them are gullible enough to pay almost $100 for a mount.

yeah? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

youre PRETENDING 90 bucks is a lot of money…easy point there…guess I made it too complicated?

You seem to think anyone is impressed you spent a lot of money on a mount and a gun…


People WANTED the Brutosaur back. People would have paid $90 for the exact same model. Why does everybody ignore this fact? The community has been frothing at the mouth to have an opportunity to get a longboi of their own.


or pay $50 - 90 bucks for expansions…or pay $15 a month to play.

ooohhhhh…I get it…you dont count YOUR frivolous spending for digital nothing burgers in this, do you?

You seem to think spending 90 bucks on a hobby designed to blow time and money on is something alien to this planet, lmao


No need to have a third transmog mount.


Why do you keep trying to justify it to me, I don’t care.
I just said I think it’s funny.

If you’re truly not embarrassed of getting the mount, then stop trying to show me up, just own it.

its big but very much a bit of eye candy.
Zero complaints…bought two of them so far, likely will end up being four before its said and done

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yeah…this kiddie psyche crap doesnt work on adults, kiddo…sorry.

You came in passive aggressively dissing those of us who bought it…and got called out on it.


Having the mailbox is what makes the mount work.

Rarely do I have an immediate need to sell something on the AH, but there are times when I have an immediate need to buy something on the AH, and without a mailbox, you’d still be in the position of having to leave where you’re at to get to one, so the mailbox makes a hell of a lot of sense for a mount designed around convenience.

A bank would be a nice addition on top of the mailbox, but in exchange for the mailbox? No, because you’d still be in a position of having to get to a mailbox to gather your purchases.