The New Archives Quest

That kinda destroys my sunwell theory.

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Sorry, thoughts keep popping up randomly.

Let’s not forget that Speaker Brinthe didn’t seem to have any knowledge of the Worldcore. And she pretty much says they were lied to. So, the Titans clearly are capable of manipulating information to paint them in the best light, which was already heavy-handedly told to us in Dragonflight with its associated novel.

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Nightfall the Patch happens after Undermine.

As for the last fetter.

Remember A Song of the Depths?

The desire to use the Dark Heart’s collected power is the fetter.

The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends.

A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed.

A dark heart left broken awaits the taking.

The Dark Heart is broken and awaits the taking.

This will begin the awakening and all eyes will be opened.

Remember the Stained Pamphlet mentions that the veil between Dream and Dreamer will slide away like skin from bone and even the Darkness will howl for the Light it once despised while The Damp Pamphlet mentions an Emerald Dawn.

Furthermore Azshara’s Cultists mention sleeping only to awake when slain. N’Zoth’s cultists instead are all “all will serve me!” and “the Void consumes all!”

Azshara is a Crooked Serpent and will lose her eyes because of the Dark Heart’s power forcing her to awaken. The serpent will hoard the Shadow leaving only the Emerald Necrotic Death when her Naga Avatar dies at the end of the Nightfall Questline setting up the Emerald Dawn story where we head into Beledar to finish Azshara off.

Xal’atath now that the Dark Heart is no longer usable for her own goals will be going after Gallywix for Azerite because that is the only thing that’s going to give her the power to fuel her next plan as Dalaran’s Magic as well as Galakrond’s Necrotic Death is out of the question without the Dark Heart’s capacity to convert it to Xal’atath’s breed of Magic.

Since she wants Azerite and since it deals Arcane Damage while Dalaran’s Magic is Arcane Magic I suspect that Xal’atath is infact a being of Arcane Magic and that Arcane Magic is weak to either Galakrond’s Necrotic Magic or Beledar’s Shadow Magic.

The word Arcane means secret and since Eldritch abominations are the source of Arcane Magics in Lovecraftian Lore and since Titan Runes of a language different from the Titan Language are found on a Black Empire Cache of Cosmic Curiosities alongside the Nathrezim’s Fel Runes which combined with Odyn telling his fellow Titan Keepers to attribute all wonders to the Titans alone makes me suspect we will learn the Arcane is infact Void Magic(explaining why the Voidwalker and Void Lord pets notice the Void being close to Suramar despite the distinct lack of traditional Void activity).

Aman’Thul wielding Arcane in the Argus Fight of course means the Void has already corrupted the Pantheon of Order.

Order Magic on the Dragon Isles is Golden(except when wielded by the Blue Dragonflight) which suggests that Order is naturally the same color as Light if not having insidiously having passed itself off as Light(and yes that means Beledar is infact switching between Shadow and Order not Shadow and Light) in the first place.

So when did Aman’Thul fall into Shadow or was he a bad fruit from the beginning?

Odyn having Golden Light would suggest Aman’Thul was at one time untainted but over time fell to Shadow(probably from rooting out Y’Shaarj) and it’s Chaos resulting in the Eye of Aman’Thul(the source of Suramar’s nearness to the Void as the Voidwalkers and Void Lords put it) and the Titan of Time’s flagrant use of Arcane Magic in the Argus Fight.

My money is still on Xal showing her true form (powerful void naaru still my guess) during Nightfall or Midnight.

The serpent with no eyes I’m unsure about, but my gut desperately wants it to be the Twisting Nether for some reason.

I don’t think any shocking twists are awaiting the Titans reveal. I still think it is just going to be Aman’Thul forcing Order on all the Worldsouls when that is abnormal. I still think Eonar will end up being our ally and ultimately replace him, because the writing has been painfully one-note in that regard lately.


Azerite is Light-infused Arcane.

The Dark Heart has Shadow-tainted Arcane and is damaged so it can’t purify it.

If Azshara demands the Dark Heart and spurns the Azerite that Xal’atath gets from Undermine then she(who has been injured by Void Magic in Ny’alotha) will be blinded and howl for the Light-infused Azerite she once despised but since Xal’atath already fulfilled her part of the bargain she will simply take the Azerite for her own goal(Midnight).

The War Within is all about the Business Transaction between Xal’atath and Azshara with Azshara coming out of it the loser despite Xal’atath dealing faithfully with her customer due to Azshara wanting the exact terms of her deal.

Xal’atath is honorable and is willing to change the terms of a deal for the sake of the customer’s needs but if the customer is too stubborn to accept these changes for their own good she will let them suffer the consequences of their choices.

Xal’atath is going to walk away from this expansion with tons of Azerite while Azshara is going to become a Blind Serpent of Bone hiding beneath a glamour exposed by Beledar’s Night Phase(“The fall of Night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.” - N’Zoth) and become the Villain of War Within as we fight her inside Beledar(as she seeks it’s Light) beneath the Siren Isle.

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I really did wish we saw a little bit of that when Khadgar tried to blast her. Have it that Xal was a little too slow to block with the Dark Heart. Showing a fragment of the horror underneath.

But alas that never happened.