The meta problem, with screenshots you pretend don't exist

that is a fantastic generalization that does not address the problem you replied to, nor acknowledge that there are several dragon pulls in that hallway, nor acknowledge that these are the people we are dealing with in +21 to +23, and I cannot change that. It’s almost like you did not read the post except that one part that you had a pithy remark for.
Luckily, WoW devs did read, and adjusted the dragons thereafter.

Thank you though.

Ummm… Death strike is def used for dps.

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Not to the point that it gets you killed.

He is here to troll and cannot just admit he advocates for fotm because rerolling to what’s hot is how he cushions his skill. Please ignore.

Edit: Also, I believe we’ve done keys before and you left a good impression- I remember the name/class xD

Except I’m not wrong?

Death Strike saves lives in some instances.

That’s because you did a lot of whining. I play a BM hunter, so don’t talk to me about off meta, and I’m doing just fine getting groups for 20s. Everyone knows how powerful the meta is and how terrible it’s been queueing keys, but the great thing is that you don’t have to. There’s a whole discord dedicated to pushing keys with a bunch of great people there and I’m sure you could find one. Imma let you in on a little secret, mythic plus is not queued content, which makes it harder, which makes it less suitable to pug the higher you push. If you put as much time onto finding a group as you did researching this post, you’d be much happier.

As a healer, bear is definitely 100% an outlier as an effective tank

A good bear requires way less healing than any other tank, which I think are pretty equal

Healing bdk isn’t always bad as long as they don’t get globalled getting trash into position

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Being off meta makes it harder to find a team too.
Especially when it’s so easy to reroll.

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I’m not advocating for bear. That was last season. My Druid is my main, and if someone has to be meta, I’d pick the Druid.

But, let’s say you take current bear and current blood DK and put them in several scenarios in a vacuum. No group support.

Bear will do more dps, but BDK will live longer. Will be able to avoid/negate more mechanics. Has greater mob control. Etc. It’s toolbox is just… better. They have a button for every situation.

Bears have a very particular niche, big pulls every 2 minutes. With PI/Fire Mage and Breath of Eons lining up with that, that’s very strong. But in a vacuum? It’s not nearly as important.

So what’s a bears weakness? Sustained magic damage and magic tank busters. If Freehold were replaced with Shrine of the Storm, that would be all BDK all day. VA from last season was a nightmare. Way easier on DK.

What’s a DKs weakness? Physical tank busters, or high sustained physical damage. The other side of the bear coin, really.

I feel like I’m burying the lead here. BDKs need more damage. This is true. Their damage is crazy low for no good reason.

But that won’t make them meta or even a competitive choice in the current meta. You need sustained dps with low haste value (BM hunter and outlaw rogue for example) to be strong. And for the dungeon pool to be more slanted towards magic damage and positioning checks.

Bear prevent all the incoming damage. They don’t have to heal it. That makes a huge difference. That said, I’d trade UFR for a real tank kit in a heartbeat. Living or dying by how strong your current set bonus is is garbage.

You’re going to have to relax, my friend. Giving data and explaining situations and their solutions in a bracket slightly above what you play is a far cry from “a lot of whining”.
You also don’t know what I’m doing in my out-of-dungeon time, perhaps I am putting more effort into finding groups than you’ve mentioned? I have more gumption than the average game buying slob, but you bringing up external theoretical group-building ploys to get discord members is a strawman argument away from the meta gap.

And my irl buddy plays BM as well, he’s done all his 20s with me tanking when 20s were push for both of us.

you are ignoring the comments you are ‘addressing’, and you’re contradicting yourself.
I appreciate the bumps for visibility of my post, but I’m kindly asking you to stay on topic.

edit: You’ve also shown that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe that’s why you admit to maining fotm bear…
Tank busters being DK’s bane?.. Bro, BDKs just need their dps pushed up to a more reasonable level, but I’m not looking to dethrone you as highest DPS fotm tank. Does that make sense?

Whatever you gotta tell yourself, chief.

Are you saying BDKs susceptibility to being globaled in high keys isn’t a problem? Or are you saying its second fiddle to tank dps?

I’m saying you don’t know what you’re talking about. Those two quotes you made are connected. I’m not your dad, and I’m not collecting payment from you, so as off-meta, I’m not advising a fotm bear any further.
Thank you for your bumps though, sincerely.

It amuses me that you’re accusing a longtime bear player of being a FOTM player.

He literally says it in this thread. It’s also important for context considering their apparent lack of knowledge, yet they’re still talking here, able to play easiest tank/be meta.
Your constant trolling amuses me. Thanks for the bump.
edit: [ignored… again?]

Then become a better healer.

I did. This Druid is old enough to drive. I FOTM rolled bear tank back in 2004 cuz I have great precognition.


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Ah yes, 1 of 39 here to share his opinion.

lol, BDK is actually the easiest tank to heal. You give them spot/baby heals maximum. Maybe a class shield of yours, maybe? I tend to tell Palys to remove main Beacon from me because the trickle heals and 30% proc are better suited to crappy dps who don’t bind defensives.

A BDK is only in trouble when they can’t control their char- so like, that brown aoe on brown ground in early Uldaman that stuns has got me, so I have a WA for it now, and the very faint/large aoe ring stun the Taurens do that are conveniently paired with the hardest mob in Halls- the breath dragons; that coincidentally, meta can easily skip/mass dispel.

We see a theme here?

But basically, if your BDK is stunned/knocked up and can’t Death Strike, or their mobs teleport away because that’s a fun mechanic- you may need to heal them like you do other tanks.

For the record, I dont find them difficult to heal, I find them obnoxious to heal.

In FFXIV when a PLD tries to cast Clemency on themselves, every healer yells about it. Meanwhile, BDK in WoW just doing that every 3 globals.

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