The Meta Money

because math

it is that simple.


The equation is simple. Do a lot of people play the class/spec?

If so, give them Blessing of Sacrifice, Blessing of Freedom, Shield of Vengeance, Divine Protection, Bubble, 30-second burst windows, immunity to all physical/bleed removal, a 45 second cd stun, interrupt, melee damage capable from medium range, Battle res, and to top it all off, pretty darn good damage.

And there you have it. “Meta”

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The implication that Blizzard intentionally tries to sell boosts and tokens through class balance is immediately dismissed when you realise leveling has gotten quicker and easier with every expansion since the WoW token was invented.

If there was this big master plan to sell WoW level boosts / tokens do you not think theyd start somewhere simple, like making leveling slower?

The same argument is extended for alts and how much easier they are.

It’s more about numbers than anything else, in terms of survivability, and output in terms of DPS and HPS. When your doing upper end content as seen in the MDI, RWF and AWC, it’s all about what can both survive well, and what can pump HPS and DPS hard.

Money has little to do with it, and it has more to do with the unstable nature of the game to where a small buff can literally break a spec. In which blizzard is slow to respond to this. Causing the meta swings that we see season to season, or patch to patch in some cases.

Yep a CE level player that multi classes and in fact has experience playing mage has no clue what he’s talking about in comparison to a guy hiding on an alt that probably peaks in delves/heroic :joy:

I’m more of a raider and pvp player actually. Mplus is meh.

Im sure there is some sort of strategy. Not sure its about money, but what isn’t. As someone who plays all of the tanks. Its not about the top 1%. there are usually substantial differences with whatever is meta. Outside of utility, the top tank is usually noticeably better at any content with regards to dmg or survivability. The meta is just easier to be successful at any key level. Thats why it is Meta. And that easier time tanking is just more enjoyable imo. I think when tanks were all self sustaining it was a bit more balanced (outside of double sigils). Now, the spec with increased survivability and damage, will have people flock to it. Even casual players.

All they did was change “leveling” to gearing. Instead of leveling taking a long time now it’s gearing. Which they can gate you on.

This is such a cooked take.

Blizzard is not mastermindning whos meta or not. They are just bad at balancing. They intended to buff prot from the sad state it was and went overboard just like every single time before. You give them too much credit

This is the fastest gearing has ever been, arguably the fotm reroll / meta problem is more prevalent specifically because it’s so easy to reroll to whatevers hot and have it ready within a week. The number of people I know who made a frost DK, Disc Priest, or Prot Paladin 2 months into the tier ONLY to do M+ while they raided on their mains was shocking.

There’s just no reason not to play fotm when it takes this little investment, and because so many are willing to do it then everyone forming groups may as well wait til one signs up.

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It really depends. Every tank for the CE guilds I have been in have all four tanks neither each leveled and somewhat geared or at least 3 each. Example being broodtwister where our prot warrior swapped to his blood DK

I was starting to gear my mage to run mplus before I decided to have Hunter/lock/warrior as my three toons.

Typical rule of thumb is a tank is a role not a spec, they can usually play at least 3 and between the two tanks one of them HAS to maintain a DK because at some point mass grip will be that important. We have one guy who’s Pala / DK and one who’s Bear / Brew / DK but I’m sure the last guy would pick up something else if it was broken enough to be needed.

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Yep. It’s one reason why I don’t tank lol my wife would kill me if I had to keep three tanks raid ready lol

Current guild is running war/dk and the warrior also has a dk.

Meta is an acronym.


This means choosing what is the best answer to a bunch of variables.

Why do you drive to work instead of walking? Because a 30-40 minute drive gets you to work faster with less resistance than spending a 1.5-2 hours walking. It is the most effective tatic available to get to where you are going.

Blizzard doesnt balance the game to make a meta, we the players do. If a class does 2% more damage, 2% more healing, or brings more utility than the others, it becomes the most effective damage dealer, effective healer theoughput, or uses utility to solve a problem the team faces the cleanest.

Saying all that, meta isnt a one size fits all. There are many scenarios where different metas form at different levels of the game. Trying to solo world elites? Class with pets become meta as it provides utility that other classes dont have. Lower keys have a different meta when compared to higher keys, as initial burst becomes the most effectice tatic vs longer ramp dps.

“Meta” is all player created choice on how to proceed. What one team sees as meta may not be the meta for the level you play and vice versa.

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But it’s never been faster to get high end gear