No they didn’t because the event you’re talking about didn’t happen all the time.
Someone trash talked you in a UBRS run then ninja’d a blue? you were getting laughed at if you tried to make that a server issue and a GM sure as heck wasn’t getting involved.
If you’re pretending otherwise take off the rose colored glasses.
I started playing late TBC on Arathor and repercussions for bad behavior was the norm, not the exception. It was also a PvE server which generally attracts a higher class of players. I can say with 100% certainty that if you were a ninja or a jackass your name got out there. Those people eventually disappeared.
no they wont the game has changed and so have the people. people care less about the “community” in game and more about just playing it. if they want a community they join a guild and hang out in discord.
Still blows my mind that blizzard locked the realm, offered FCMs, declared it dead, and effectively killed Chaos Bolt. It was really fun for phase 1 of SoD for me while I was able to play SoD. Certainly not dead at all
Legacy actually has an offshoot sister guild over there run by some of the same officers as Era who are still raiding on Chaos Bolt… so you know, if anyone who has a toon on Chaos Bolt and is looking to raid with them, I’m sure they’d take you!
I’m hoping we do! I can’t imagine blizzard wouldn’t allow people to clone to Era again. Unless they got so burned by the feedback shutting off the clones last time that they just avoid it entirely this time. Would be a shame!
Nobody cares about “community” in games, back then WoW was a innovative way of taking care of social aspect in a online manner but those days are long gone, people want to play, they have a family, discord, social media. Nobody cares about small community anymore, and you can still have a community in a mega-server if you want to. Just be happy Blizzard is still supporting a 21 year old game.
Umm I’m confused how are all these tourists as you call them with no stake in the community. They are on the same server as you no different than you … Cool you like small dead servers where grouping is almost impossible most days.
I have bad news for you, Blizzard won’t cater to your parasocial need of a small community when they are racking mad money from the Botting situation on megaserver and the massive RMT going on. Enjoy being ninjaed and scammed LMAO
They’ll just stop supporting Classic WoW, they don’t care at all if everyone stops playing. They made more money selling a Brutosaur mount on retail then they did with 5 years of classic subscriptions