The "Meaningful Choice" Fallacy

They aren’t talents, but they might as well be. That would be an improvement to the system.

So let them pick it if they think its good? A Death Knight with Door of Shadows is still going to be laughably slow, so what gamebreaking fear are they going to have with it?

Devs have been trying to turn the game into an esport for expansions now. It’s not surprising that these choices have bled over into the game. Blame Blizzard for trying to attract this sort of player while neglecting the majority’s concerns.

Min maxing is not a “degenerate playstyle”. They are scapegoating it now to make points with those who do not identify with it but have yet to make up their minds about shadowlands.

People will make up their own minds. If they buy shadowlands based on forum lies they have read, they will be less likely to ever return.

But hey, it’s all about short-term profits now.

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Great post OP. Overall people are more concerned about the overarching impact that Covenants will have on the players, content and it’s meta, but really I think the idea of Convenants go against even the core “class not spec” fantasy that they are trying to achieve. A lot of the Convenant abilities are great, but most of them lack real impact or doesn’t feel as good to use even between the different specs. This feels like if I’m a player that wants to enjoy all roles my class has to offer, it will affect my performance and enjoyment. And continuing this trend as it has previously been noted, the fact that it also makes it so that perfomance in certain type of contents (Raids, PvP, M+), will mostly make you feel like you should only do the type of content your Covenant ability and signature ability pair up to, which doesn’t feel good at all. I don’t know, overall Covenants feel extremely exclusionary, and I have little faith in Blizzard’s ability to balance them correctly, not only because history has proven different, but because Covenants seem to need 3 other systems (Conduits, Soulbinds and Legendaries) to tune them up. That is just a mess to happen and we are all invited to the ride.


So why are you spreading them then? Seems like a rather perplexing thing to say when you’ve been shouting the sky is falling…

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Paper beats rock
Rock beats scissors
Scissors beats paper
Paper goes to the forums to complain about balancing issues.

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I want people to earn their rewards and seeing if content. Buying the game doesn’t entitle you to see all the content. That’s like a person without arms or legs buying dark souls and expecting to be able to beat the last boss with his tongue.

Admit it, you are the type of person who gets hired off the street and expects to make the same $ as someone who has been working there for years despite them doing a much better job than you.

Well, I read the whole thing and what I heard was:

Keep the benefit/drawback system for the people who mainly play the base content, although it will be a PITA for them, but create a purely beneficial system for the people who focus on the end game content because the toxic community they have created is mean.

After all, who cares if it breaks the concept/frame/story of the whole expansion as long as meta-players can pick-to-win as opposed to overcoming challenging and really earning their accolades.

Sorry but the entire expansion is built around Covenants so it is not going anywhere. But I wouldn’t worry about it. As soon as Blizzard hear the cries of ‘too hard’ ‘too demanding’, ‘too complicated’, they will nerf it like they do everything else.

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Project, project, project.

The idea that the difference between a utility that is a teleport that will take the entire team to another platform and a potion can be quantified numerically and adjusted to keep them within a 1% advantage is ridiculous. Yet you guys keep claiming that they can and will do this, despite all evidence from recent expansions to the contrary.

Keep on projecting. Try to tell us that an avoidance corruption is “balanced” with a t3 TD.

You know it’s not true. You just think people are so stupid they’ll believe you.

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More hyperbolic hypotheticals. What a waste of space.

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I just think its not the way rpg has to be done for wow, and this is not something the game has ever had, the most is choosing a class/race and specialization in the past. The flaws of covenant abilities are forced onto soulbinds and conduits and forces them to attempt to create a more balanced choice instead of standing on their own. Many instances you will feel you made the wrong choice and not feel good about your own choice. There are so many ways to have gameplay impacts that is not tied to player power, and the way covenants are is not the only way choice and rpg can be achieved.

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Yeah, that’s a big concern of mine. I would hope the spells get mechanical tweaks in favor of overlapping effects. This would make them more flexible and blur the line between acceptable and unacceptable choices.

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This is the part that frustrates me. It proves Blizzard refuses to learn. They WILL make the same mistake in Shadowlands. Continuing to do so until they either change in leadership (unlikely, seems pretty cliquey at Blizzard) or grow in character and wisdom (haahahaa).

We saw the legion legendaries were powerful. We knew that the way to aquire them was garbage. Before the game even came out… did they listen? No. When did they fix it? After the expansion was finished and we were moving into the pre-patch for BFA.

Same thing happened in BFA. We knew certain traits were essential. We had no control over which ones appeared on our gear. We knew how messed up and broken essences were, we knew how it should have been account wide… we knew how powerful corruption effects were, we know how stupid the RNG on them was.

When did THAT get changed? Just recently we finally get a corruption vendor and a halfassed account wide progression system for essences we still have to grind for.

So now here we are in Shadowlands alpha. We know how important these covenant abilities are. We know we should have the ability to swap between them just as easily as we change specs. But will it change? NOPE! Not until Shadowlands is done and we’re worried about the next expansion. Pointing out how flawed their new system is and watching them ignore us yet again.


The teleport is a skip. That’s a helluva lot better than shadowmeld.

The issue here, as so many have said from the start is that these things are so egregiously imbalanced that people are going to be compelled to ask for switching or just do away with the signature altogether.

Why do the convents need a signature ability? They don’t, right? Story, aesthetic choices, class abilities and the fact you can’t rejoin them easily is enough right? Why not make the choice permanent? Why not have it affect players many expansions forward in their dialogue choices?

That’s how you get real RPG consequence.

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Nah, they should keep it in. It’s been a while since we had an Aldor/Scryer system.

Nah, they shouldn’t homogenize them.

Maybe, that or make it like a warlock gate/priest grip/heroic leap/etc, where it still flags you into combat, if you use it past mobs, as you go from point A to B. That way people can’t use it for skips in mythic+.

Cool, you found something that “confirms” your bias and now you want to echo-chamber it here on the forums. News flash: He’s just another gamer. Everyone has opinions. Just because people watch him on youtube, doesn’t mean his opinion is any better than the next.

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I been saying this for a while and we do agree on something:

Okay this isn’t aldor/scryer

a whole bunch of stuff is with it, it’s just not an enchant that has ever so slightly dps than another, it more like another talent added in, with extra steps.

The “echo chamber” is a whole bunch of people who collectively agree. I am not preach, I don’t watch his videos and he shares the same concerns I do and he and I play the game extremely differently.


This may be the only thing you and I have only ever agreed on too, good to see you on the same team for at least one post haha

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No matter what iteration of door of shadows it will likely be op as people find skips. It likely can not be a teleport to not be utilized at higher levels of keys. However, making Necrolords like you suggested might reduce the importance of Venthyr as the tank would want the Necrolords abilities but then everyone would run a rogue every key next expac too.

Covenants are cool, but they are going to be a trash storm in 9.0. I have 0 faith in Blizzard’s abilities to respond to feedback and change the system or implement a semblance of balance.


Yeah it is… It’s the 2.0 version of it. You should have heard all the moaning and complaining about it during BC.

Yeah, you’re forming a thread on these forums, to find more people to join you and confirm your biased opinion; while attempting to shut down anyone who disagrees or says otherwise. That, by definition, is how an echo-chamber works.

As for the preach thing, well all I’m going to say is that I can get on google and find some alternative facts that state that eating a pencil eraser per day will keep me from getting cavities(I don’t know if that really exists, but you get the joke example). The point is, if you go looking for it, it’s probably out there. People with a follower’s mindset will latch onto that shred of “proof” that “confirms” their opinion and flap it around like it’s a golden ticket; just because someone who’s efamous said so.

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