The Maw, Beastwarrens fear debuff. Why!?

This debuff in The Beastwarrens where it fears you constantly and takes half your life without any way to remove the debuff or counter the fear is beyond annoying and in no shape any fun at all. What am I missing? Who thought this would be a riveting and fun mechanic for players to trudge through?

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You aren’t supposed to go there yet, you need to be at a certain reputation level with the Ve’nari.

What rep level do you need to be at to avoid this? I was out there with a friend, and he has less rep with the Ve’nari than I do and was not getting the fear debuff.

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cordial iirc, then the venari person will have a quest to unlock the beastwarrens.

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Thank you very much!!! I’ll try that!