Because having an army of alts is not fun in any way, especially for timed events. It’s acceptable for stuff like firelands or something because it’s year round, but when you’re on a timer like this, the incentive to spend hours a day doing something that’s absolutely no fun with an army of characters is exactly what’s wrong with event. It should be a one shot per day (with rate adjusted accordingly acknowledging this) and done.
Please fix it. Who cares how many people have it, make the mount not rare. Do the same with the world bosses like Sha too. I am begging here lol. While we’re at it bring back the TCG mounts too those don’t need to be as rare as they are either.
Edit: Don’t make it a token purchase either. Just bring the drop rate to 1 in 50 or 100. Not 1 in 3333.
At astronomically ridiculous gold prices or risky eBay purchases. Just put them in the store for $25 each that’s about all they are worth realistically.
That is literally what they are. They also put the spectral tiger in the same bundle with the new store mount for Chinese players. So now every Chinese player has your “rare and glorious” mount. Just put them in the store or make them a secret.
The only mount that should remain or be rare is the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal. Everything else should be reasonably obtainable or come back in some form.
Gotta love a CM or developer coming in here saying this isn’t fun and they are evaluating possible solutions when the solution is incredibly obvious to everyone but them. If this post sounds impatient and rude because it is then its because I’m kinda fed up with those kind of responses after years of feedback pointing out ridiculous things like holiday mounts having such low drop rates to begin with.
Increase the drop rate. Add it to the vendors. Do anything but pointless posts on GD bemoaning the state when you and the team have the ability to change something