The Love Rocket Mount from NEVER Drops to now Drop sometimes

a lot of people actually do only do it once a day now, or a few. The chances of you getting it are near zero outside the first run, whereas I got the Hallows End mount n drake skin, the Xmas drake skin, and the Brewfest drake skin all on the first run of the day. This increase makes it worth it not to go hardcore anymore. Sure some people still won’t get it, but a lot more people are now than before. I contradict myself, as I am running it 17 times a day, but I’m also a sucker for terrible drop rates.

I understood perfectly. You used a double negative, implying you would continue to run the dungeon. That’s why I responded with a double negative of my own, just to continue the joke. It’s why I added the wink at the end, to let you know I got the joke.

Hope this helps! :smiley:

the fact that you don’t like the rng doesn’t make it a “core issue”.

why would that matter? the bosses die in seconds.

You know thats something that like a karen would point out, but thats just my opinion

On each of these events I was running on average 20 characters a day and not once did I get it on the 1st attempt of the day. Think the last event I got it on attempts 161 and 166 to get both the mount and the armor. Right now, it’s day 4 so I am on attempts 67 of 80 tried to get at least 1 of the 2 items that have a limited time drop.

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So with quick sloppy math…

The amount of attempts needed for a coin-toss for the mount without the bonus… 2310.
WITH the bonus… 2277

a whooping 1.4% better odds thanks to the bonus.
((1-1/3333)^(x))=0.50 x=2310
(1-1/100)((1-1/3333)^(x-1))=0.50 x=2277

I mean i got it with out the bonus

I’m sure that the Post clarifies the title of the thread some. But every time I read it, I think “Isn’t that exactly how loot works”

All the loot in the game, forever, has always never dropped until it did.

I didn’t point it out, you asked me about it. You used the double negative and I assumed it was for a joke. Then when you asked me about my response, I clarified that I thought you used the double negative as a joke, so I responded with a joke that included a double negative. I wasn’t trying to correct your grammar. I’m not your teacher or your parent; I don’t care how you present yourself.

Opinions are like butt holes… everyone has one and they all stink.

I don’t like the RNG involve that’d true but I explain the core issues mentioned by Dev in his response.

  1. Its not fun, that something last few seconds or players can be afk or wrong role that shouldn’t be the goal for a game, it should provide good gameplay.

  2. the fix didn’t solve the grind with many alts as possible as mentioned by the dev, even playes using now multiple accounts. Yes, this is a product of the RNG, however; Devs could drive this even by drastic decisions like 1 attempt per account, they allowed to continue the low drop in subsequent runs. Obviously some collectors continue woth every possible attempt, its an event that last 15 days compared with other grinds that you’ve a better pacing.

We still have tons of threads not only about the RNG but the process, like Limit instance.

I care about the gameplay too, compared to other players :man_shrugging:

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So far 0-80 this season on getting the dragon riding armor mount and the love rocket as well.

Well, they got me. I reactivated my two long dormant sub accounts that I had used years ago to get that recruit a friend mount that transformed you into a flying panther.

Boosted two druids to 60 so I can skip the wait time and go tank/heals or whatever is faster. I need help, my brain is broken too.

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0-100 now on trying to get the mount or the dragon riding armor.

Guys can I do it on lvl 60 alts? or its only 1 chance per day?

You can do it with any 60+, the first attempt of the day has a better %.

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Yeah, I fell into this. I have 2 other battlenets accounts (not on the same e-mail, 2 separate ones lol) from RAFing for mounts back in the day that I now activate subs on for February because of the “greatly increased chance to loot the mount on the first attempt per account per day” honeypot they gave us. :upside_down_face: Love that for us.

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Wish we know what the percentage was. like did they take it from a .01 to a .1% chance. I know during the Halloween event they said if you took all the de-buffs, it increased your chance, but both the Dragon Armor and Arfus I got without them. Just took 161 & 166 attempts to get both.

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Sitting now at 0-140 trying to get the Dragon rider mount armor or X-45 Love Rocket.

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Two people in my guild got it so far.

I’ve been running it every day on 34 toons and it hasn’t dropped. Same with that new saddle!

I hate RNG sometimes T_T

Everytime I open that red heart box and blizzard lets me down, once again.

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