The List ~ White, Gray and Black list here!

Hey guys. Hope everyone is having a pretty great time with classic. One of the best things for me, and I am sure alot of you guys, is the social aspects that we get back. Asking random passerbys for quest help, spamming in world or general for more, the feeling of helping a player as you pass, its all a core part. This also means for the reverse, that being Ninjas and Trolls.

I spent a good bit of time trying to find a simple addon for keeping track of the players that I have played with, but have not been able to find that. Today, however, I finally decided to try this option.

This topic will be used for all three. A listing of super great people that help and are just pretty awesome. A list of the people that do some shady kinda stuff, but maybe are not straight up negative, and of course, a blacklist for those players that really sow the crap into any groups they get into.

We need to try and keep this civil, no blasting, or insults. No attacking whole groups because of one bad apple. Instead lets focus on just putting up evidence, having a “database” of sorts, and allowing people to make their own choices.

If you feel like you have someone to add, please make a post here. To keep things from just being a popularity issue, we need to have some criteria, so we will try and follow these steps.

Whitelist - Screenshots and the like will really help with this, as well as a detailed explanation of why they should be here.

Graylist - For this we will need to start making more efforts for proof. Screenshots will be mandatory, an explanation of the event that has occurred, as well as some indication that the actions taken to warrant this were deliberate, or at least highly suspect.

Blacklist - Here we will need to do our best with keeping proof of actions. Screenshots will be mandatory here, as well as a comprehensive explanation of what occurred. There will also need to be some proof of the actions being obviously on purpose, and not the result of accident, or just ignorance of party etiquette norms. At this point, they will be put onto the graylist, and if already there, they will move to the Blacklist. This way we can be sure only those players that exhibit a true toxic, negative, and disrespectful demeanor end up here. In the event that the action is extreme, the graylist can be skipped and the offending player, or guild, can be put straight onto the blacklist.

So now that we have all that laid out and all, lets talk about a few things that should and shouldn’t be reasons for addition.

  • Ninja Looting - The most obvious and simple of the actions. The hunter that waits until everyone else has rolled, then rolls need on a BoE blue. The druid that need rolls every green as they drop. This subject should be quite simple to make sense of.
  • Racism / Sexism - Its a video game. People will troll and the like, and even though we may not like it, its not reason to put them on any kind of list. However, there will be those who take this way too far, either to try for “epic trolls” or just being hateful. Before posting something here, make sure that this is something you consider. A good rule of thumb should be asking, “Can a comedian say this and get a round of laughs, even if its kind of sketchy?”. If the answer is yes, than maybe rethink posting here.
  • Trolling - Some of us may not find trolls funny. They may prove to be very toxic or extremely bothersome. Even if that is the case, posts here should be more substantive. A player trolling is not grounds for a blacklist, unless there is either an obvious issue with the troll, or they are causing large scale problems with it.
  • Rude / Negative Content - Its a video game. Insults will fly at the ready, and we need to have tough skin. If getting called a F** or the like upsets you, than please take some time to really focus on you and see it doesn’t affect you unless you let it. That being said, there will always be a person who goes so far above and beyond that it makes your headspin. We have always had that one guy in a group, constantly screaming about heals, about a tank, about pulls, his dps in comparison, etc etc. If you are posting because of this reason, make sure it isn’t just some normal banter or frustration, and if its something that could be solved with a simple /ignore, than don’t post it.
  • Hate and Vile Chat - Where as the banter and such is normal, there are some things that we know is not normal or acceptable in any way. This topic should be self explanatory, and easily dealt with. Some things are just not okay, and we should hold people accountable.

Well, now that the wall of text is done, please post your reports, as well as any comments or suggestions that you may have. Classic WoW was always about the community, so lets keep that going and do our best to make our community a fun and awesome place to be!

/popcorn. .

Isn’t calling out specific players something you can get a forum ban for?


I am unsure. If it is, maybe we could petition for a small note box in game or the like. Something to keep things at least a small bit more kosher.

I wouldn’t. So much is subjective. There’s a post on the main forums about a druid rolling need on one of his pre-raid BiS pieces and it leading to a gkick because of someone going on a rampage for him “ninjaing.”

If people are really disruptive, it’ll catch up to them, there’s no reason to be calling people out on the forums when none of the people reading it were there to even see what REALLY happened. Remember, there’s 3 sides to every story.

To long to read

I really wish I got the guild name Blacklisted :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a terrible idea. Its not up to you and I to call people out and publicly shame them in a way that won’t go away for them (people can change, will your list?), for things they might not often do, or for genuine mistakes, or for nothing at all but you got into an argument with them, etc.
A similar thread was started on the Thalnos server forums and it was removed.

Stop hurting my feelings >:(

Who cares. Just let the players around you know not to group with the person. It works.