The least desirable M+ spec?

We don’t bring a lot to the table in the way of b-rez or lust so when I was going for KSM, I made sure to fill out the utility role as best I could.

  • freedom
  • off-heals
  • cleanse
  • bop
  • lay on hands
  • hammer of justice (stun)

Our AoE and ST are respectable but not stellar, so I just try and make groups not regret bringing me in lieu of a Surv Hunter.

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To be fair you play alliance lol

Good summary of why Ret is so terrible in mythic keystones. Ret has a ton of utility spells that are awesome in PVP but just DON’T MATTER at all in PVE:

Freedom lets you do some neat tricks to cheese mechanics (NW final boss, Streets menagerie, etc) that will make people notice and be like “oh that was neat”, but they’re not difficult mechanics to just do properly, so no one actually cares

BoP is mostly useful as a personal offensive CD (or better yet you could just be any other spec that does more damage yet steals aggro less), and has a couple gimmick uses on fixate mechanics (that again are easy to just do properly). Might count as legit utility on Necrotic weeks if you can convince a tank to make a cancelaura macro (good luck I’ve never seen a tank let me use it)

HoJ is awesome of course, but just about everyone has a stun so that isn’t impressive

Cleanse can legit get you invites to Plaguefall, but it’s very limited elsewhere. Could actually count as utility if more dungeons had poisons and diseases

Offheals/LoH are super powerful, but just don’t matter at all when keystones are designed such that even the main healers are judged by how much DPS they do. Wow you can use your GCDs to offheal a group so that the main healer can keep their focus on pumping DPS? Talk about worse than useless

You actually left off Ret’s closest thing to important utility - Devo Aura (3% damage reduction is boring but nice) and Blessing of Sacrifice (-30% damage on the tank while rounding up a big pull is very underrated, and comes at no DPS loss)

I’ve always mained ret and it’s always been mediocre. Good at many things and master of none of them.

Well we’re undisputed masters of constantly ripping aggro off the tank yet still managing to somehow be lowest on DPS. So we got that going for us at least

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See that’s like with the current m+, freedom and all those just aren’t a big clutch.

In BFA some of those abilities were super clutch in some boss fights and made a massive difference. Having bop for some mechanics in order to bypass things while still having a decent dps, was good to have.

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