The Kidnap Meta: Blood DK's Removing Priests from Rated BGs at 2300+MMR

Because she didn’t have to, the video was time stamped. You can even see that in the link, it tells you the exact time that it’s going to start the video. This really isn’t difficult

And yet in this video link I see a Mistweaver being kidnapped by a Blood DK.

I see healers being kidnapped multiple times in this video by Blood DKs.

The only thing this video link has done is proven the OP topic.

If a mistweaver can’t escape this in time to return to the first teamfight, how does a priest ever escape this?

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You complained about something, you were told how players better than you deal with it, you chose to ignore it and call that person a booster

Yet again why someone with only 3 brain cells shouldn’t be allowed to complain in the forums

I was told to Disarm the Blood DK.

How does a Priest disarm a blood DK?

Your team does dumb dumb. You have a team, it’s RBGs

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Somehow it’s not surprising to me I’ll be passing your personal best rating in two weeks

The Blood DK just pins down whoever comes to rescue you.

Now you’re -2 players.

Your solution requires a minimum of three players to rescue a priest.

In other words, don’t queue priest.

But only if you’re caught up in your payments for your boosting!

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I see you have it all figured out. Give up and stop trying. Somehow the better players can deal with it but that must be pure luck ya?

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Apparently you figured it out for me.

You said we need a minimum of two dps to disarm and kill a blood DK, kidnapping a healer in a remote region of the map, far away from the the BG objectives.

wtf is this thread. Blood dks are dumb but same time if kidnapping priest is sole reason ur teams losing thats on u guys.


Tell um slendy

Ok, tell us the counter.

Does it require two dps to kill a blood dk in a remote region of the map to rescue a priest healer?

Step 1

Hit the blood dk

Step 2

Disarm the blood dk

Step 3

Kill the blood dk

I’ve also seen druids just spam root blood dks and clone them

I think you can figure this out on your own with your massive non-boosting brain

And who is doing this disarming and killing of the blood dk?

If you want an honest answer

if your damage dealers can’t kill a blood dk in a disarm (sad tbh)

You have a druid spam clone/root them

Step 1. Get good. step 2. Profit


I agree that the blood dk gimmick is toxic and should be removed but that statement is just false. You can look at the leaderboard and see plenty of priest above 2.2k


So you want two dps to ignore the objectives of the BG, to rescue a priest healer in a remote region of the map?