The barrier to entry now is so ridiculously high you’re seeing the consequences from making M+ the sweatiest mode in all of wow.
You’re right. Also, it’s going to make title key differentiation much more difficult to determine- the scaling jumps are so severe going up just one key at the upper end that you’re likely going to end up with a much larger group than just 0.1% all stuck at the same brick wall because making the jump to the next higher key will be impossible for anyone.
This might just be me but why do keys level or delevel…?
Just let people set what level they want their key at and give loot only for timed runs. I don’t get why its made a resource to waste players time with.
Dont’ forgot some dungeons are overtune and is not fun at all. Even at M0 some of the mobs like like a truck ie Grim Batol and The Stonevault. Some dungeons have werid and annoying mechanics on boss fight or the dungeon itslef have werid mechanics liek Siege , Dawnbreaker and City of Threads. The only OK ones that are tune correctly is MIST and Necrotic and seem ok.
When the season is full overtuned and crap dungeons who wants to do it when devles are more fun and easier.
its not high, just a certain group of people think they understand the meta so they only invite within the guides they found online because they can’t think for themselves.
And you can still go from Heroic, into M0, then into M+ same as before. The gear an difficulty have been smoothed out. My priest did at least one of every dungeon on +2 last week. week before that she could barely even get into M0.
Go work at it lol. Or tell your friend to just get right back to it. You don’t give up just because you fell off your bike, do you?
However, it is indeed the sweatiest mode lol.
Well, besides the 2300+ arena bracket. They fill pools.
My entire key bracket was deleted so I got relegated to Delves. My guild isn’t happy. Delves are fine. But they enjoyed their key bracket.
You can’t do M0s ?
Do zeros have timers and affixes and keys that go up?
You only ran keys below a +10 in the old system?
Which barrier? shouldn’t delves let you overgear most of the lower M+? Or is that the point you’re making that people want you to already be geared for lower keys?
We’d work our way into 12s. A couple of us did up to 14, but on our own.
The guild enjoys the way M+ works. M0 is not the same. They worked their way up in key difficulty. They didn’t stay at the same difficulty. We could run multiple of the same key in an evening. We weren’t relegated to one per day. They enjoyed the timers.
tbf, they shouldn’t have to do delves and should have been able to get the gear they needed via dungeons to continue into M+.
Sure, its a valid bit of advice, but they shouldn’t have to do that.
But also, there isn’t really a barrier because again the game makes you progress from heroic to M0 then M+ and the real problem is the barrier put in place by players who don’t get the meta but swear by it. you get people more worried about 5 ilvl than they are with you even knowing how to do the dungeon lol.
Sound like you can over gear from delves then do 2s easily enough this xpac.
The entire affix system is different anyway so its not that comparable to the old system anyway.
Although i havent done any keys cause ive been too busy with work to see.
You can work your way into low keys now. The old system didn’t have any difficulty below 10s. They were glorified heroic dungeons.
You had the illusion of progression under the old system, there really wasn’t much difference in difficulty in those low keys. Maybe just having that illusion was enough for you and your guild to keep you happy?
With that said, why not push yourself to get into the lower keys now, or do you think your time is better spent here complaining about it in the hopes of making the system worse again to fit your play style?
You do zero keys. Why are you talking about keys?
It doesn’t much solve their problem. They once had an entire key bracket to work their way through. Now… not so much.
If Blizz doesn’t want them in keys, so be it. M+ is just dead to us now. Up until the whiners screw us out of Delves, of course. Because you know that’ll happen. lol
False. You aren’t everyone. Different groups play differently and at different levels. What’s easy to you isn’t to some others.
- My guild will do as they please when they please. And they don’t feel ready for such things. They got destroyed by 0s in DF s4. It was demoralizing to them after they once worked up through low keys.
- I didn’t complain. I made a statement with perspective from my guild’s point of view. Get over yourself.
Dungeons aren’t meant to be fun this season I guess
Here is the post to refresh your memory as to why things changed.
I know exactly why things changed. I never asked for it to be reverted. Don’t condescend to me.
They don’t have to but other players will and by pugging you will compete with other players. There are solutions like playing a tank/healer, making your own group or simply not pugging but I get those aren’t as easy as joining someone else group/key.