The intentional throwing in BG blitz is out of control

2.2 mmr and people cannot spin a flag, they are just blatantly ignoring healers, no cc going out, and all around play that makes me question what this bracket is. Is there any salvation or is it a just give up angle?

I was at 2.4 mmr until I got into a single lobby and since then it’s been downhill of nothing but losses (topping damage every game, spinning flags where I can, and even doing 99% of chain cc on healers. Dunno what else I can do) . It almost feels like most people just give up and are playing now with their brains completely off instead of actually trying to win.

I’m not god by any means but holy lord


Quesync Premades / wintrading is rampant, allot of websites and shady actors raking in the cash at the players expense. Blizzard doing nothing about it has only emboldened the exploiters.


They need to redo the system for MMR in this mode or just delete the mode. I don’t understand how I get dropped over 300 mmr in 1 loss, then am stuck in perverbial elo hell destined to chain lose with 1500 CR teammates. Actually makes zero sense how this made it past testing.


This is why I don’t play rated PvP much. This is a community full of idiots.
Every random player scenario is a virtual barrel of monkeys.

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That big streamer Ruki said they need to Overhaul all pvp and its rewards / ratings systems. Agreed, its outdated and crappy. Same ancient maps that are BORING lol.

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Those players existed in Random BG’s before Blitz.

Assume every game is 5 players and 3 carry, a lucky carry could reach high rating, the way MMR banding can stretch. I don’t see this being out of the realm of possibilities.

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I THINK they will delay ANY upgrades to BGS in general for as long as possible. WHY? because I REALLY think some actual employees are reaping some rewards if you know what i mean. PLUS the bot/premade/AI/Exploits are pretty much perfected, and they are beneficial to bad actors. I have said for years there is an IWIN system in place in bgs, controlled by interested parties. There is, without question, attack power god mode tweaks controlled in BGS as well. And phasing enemy opponents. What i mean by that is have you ever had a 2v2 or a 1v1 in a remote part of an epic BG ONLY to find 20 enemies magically show up? I have personally seen team mates turn into the enemy faction instantly as well. truly wild


It isn’t intentionally throwing. People are just legit that stupid. Most of this is just a pure lack of intelligence issue.

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ngl blitz has gotten really wild as the season went on

yesterday I played with a buddy on my alt at like 1600 mmr in an EOTS map. Our team didn’t even cap the base they all just went mid

That’s legitimately below my random BG experience wtf


I totally think you are onto something, they design solo content with loop holes for the 3rd party websites to form premades and farm the player base for cash.

They sell those Glad mounts for 1k a pop, hundreds per season for how many expansions now? Premades rated and non rated, all of that honor becomes PvP gems for the AH, that gold goes to shady 3rd party websites to be laundered into Dino AH mounts to be sold.

The blatant negligence in ignoring these issues, not closing loop holes into the game.