The initial wave of unsubs will reveal the true future of classic

I didn’t know they existed until I came to the forums.

I actually thought the forums would be full of excitement and thanks after the release, but it’s full of so many complaints. I’m disappointed, but I guess I should have expected it considering how many years I’ve frequented the forums.


You have no idea the future of classic, just stop… full stop.

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No. If i wanted my work to be worthless id play retail.

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I’ll be honest, I’m really excited for the hype to die down. Then all the people who aren’t into it/don’t love it/want to complain non-stop, can go away. That is when the actual subscribers who are there for Classic can settle into their groove on their servers and play in peace, building our communities, and killing endless amounts of boars =)


Well… I for one will be resubbing.

It’s what I came back to WoW for. Classic. Outside of 1 tier in Legion and an equally short time in Pandaland… I haven’t played WoW seriously since Wrath.

It’s good to be back. Enjoying the game a lot. I had a lot of fun in vanilla… grinding included.


Anyone who’s interested in experiencing Classic, now is the best time to do it. The longer the game is around, the more the population in the lower-level areas will thin. This is the time to play if you’re ever going to do it. Just saying …


It is because the exploits are rampant and the “cheat early cheat often” seems to be the motto.

Planning to wait until they fix the layer exploitation and hopefully create a new non transfer server. If not, no big deal. I quit 10 years ago, can easily quit again

I think (hope) there will be a wave of players leveling alts when BGs are released, mainly twinks. But still going to be fun.

Oh I’m sure there will be. I’m not trying to imply there will be nobody in the lower levels, but right now it’s extra packed. There’s so many people … the world feels so alive right now!

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Classic doesn’t have subs. So if people are unsubbing, they are unsubbing fron retail.

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Feign death takes several seconds to drop combat, making it useless in PvP. It was crucial to the hunters kit and has essentially just not been included in this version of the game. This alone makes hunter a class you should absolutely not consider playing on a PvP server.

Besides that there’s issues with pet AI and autoshoot animation being broken, and maybe some other stuff. Everything except FD is minor though.

What is this ‘future’ people keep going on about? I’d really like to know, because as far as I’m concerned, it has no future, and by that I mean it’s supposed to stay the same.

If what you’re trying to say is, “will the game be shut down?”, uh, no? Not anytime soon? Like, probably not even after a decade or more? At least, I seriously don’t think so.

I think classic will be doing just fine, staying as it is, as it should be, for a very long time now. What this ‘future’ you all keep mentioning is supposed to be, I do not know, nor can I fathom. Classic isn’t supposed to ‘have a future’ its supposed to remain untouched and the same.

The only ‘future’ I can foresee is this one: “Will TBC and WotLK servers be released?” “Will we be able to clone our characters from classic and move them over to these realms?” “Will they mess up the entire point of classic by simply introducing the expansions to the realms eventually?” These, you see, are the questions that need to be asked.


Feign Death takes about 0.5 seconds to function. Yes, this breaks freeze trap macros. But I keep seeing this time frame be exaggerated further and further. Lets be real, okay? Next people will be claiming it doesn’t work at all, or that it takes half a minute to register. It takes about 0.5 seconds to work.

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I’m sorry OP, I just have to focus in on this but… layers. Would you rather just… not have servers to play on? Because that’s what would’ve happened when these servers launched without layers. This is NOT 2004. Classic was a massively popular and hugely anticipated launch, far moreso than it was for Vanilla. Those Vanilla servers melted, and even with all the advances in technology since then so would these. You just can’t have that many people in the same exact place for weeks on end. Did you see how many people were in the starting zones at launch? A few servers even with layering had massive, gamebreaking issues. It was, and is, a necessary evil until Phase 2.

Basing my opinion on the pulse I can see when playing classic, and people I know who returned, there wont be a large unsub exodus soon.

People in chat seem like they are having fun. Trade chat is bustling with activity so much you cant get a word in really.

No one is really complaining about anything in game.

I think classic pop stays large for a while.

I mean Classic GD is actually more active than general GD.


layers I think will have very little effect.
Retail players who come to take a look will miss certainly QoL items and go back.
The queues will cause some to quit.
Faction imbalances on PvP servers making one faction unable to progress will cause people to quit.
The fact that it’s just not the game they remember (rose coloured glasses not that it’s a different game) will cause people to quit.
Some came just to ‘take a look at what they missed’ and will just leave after a short time.

Once all that happens then Classic will have it’s ‘stable’ population.

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It’s not so much giving up, and I fully think blizz will fix the stuff… but I’d rather do it after they do. Preferably with a fresh server experience. I have a feeling they will do new realm ladder releases all the time. The reason for that is pserver players do that all the time. I think it will be a lot of fun, but I’d like things like layers and gameplay to be fixed up before then.

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Got to 48 and already unsubbed. The layering, the bugs, the lack of customer support, lack of patches, lack of realms at launch, the lack of blizzard putting in any effort whatsoever to improve the game. I knew Blizzard was a pitiful company, but I thought I’d give it a chance. Had much more fun playing on a private server for the last 6 months so I got my fix. I’m out and happy I can utilize my time on more productive means.

If I had not heard about layering in Blizzard’s prerelease statements and not read about its exploitation here, I would never know that layering was even in Classic. It’s imperceptible to me.

The game world feels completely seamless and persistent just like it did before cross-realm zoning and sharding was (unfortunately) introduced in Retail, so a hat tip from me to the Classic devs.