The impact of Teldrassil

If they can slap all that together in a few months once, they can do it again.

You literally can. Paladins, Priests, Druids, Shamans all can do this.

Judging from all the perma-portals dotting the world and the constant portals channeled in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I was including them among the merchants and questgivers, yes.

You mean those sentient beings that young night elves kill without remorse while training?

So we’re upset at a corrupted tree born of a bad idea that the night elf leadership disliked, got burned down, killing probably a fraction of hte night elves inside?

Well okay.

Man I wish people got this salty over the fact that Gnomeregan is still a level 30 dungeon even after “retaking it”

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Resurrection is purely a game mechanic. Otherwise Lane would have had his wife resurrected. It’s rather hard to believe that if your statement was true lorewise that no one of any significance has made use of it.


Which is something to keep in mind. We have all these assertions about what things are in the game. But, in the end, things are what the writers say they are and, believe me, they don’t care about all the “minor” points we bring up.

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-Watches the BfA opening cinematic. Sees Anduin raise a bunch of dead soldiers- I mean… okay?

It WAS more tongue-in-cheek though, healing magic is rife in Azeroth, Teldrassil is full of people who have it, and it prevents death, nullifying the need to cure death. You can’t tell me that in a tree full of druids and priests, no one could heal people? C’mon.

They’re not dead, dying perhaps, but not dead, and what Anduin’s invocation does is revive them on a mass scale.


Teldrassil burning hurt. It still hurts. Its really irrelevant to me what the arguments against Teldrassil burning being non-significant are. I was sad when I found out it was going to happen, I was real sad when it happened, and I am still sad when I think about it. I loved that place.


Are you an NPC?

I was even more sad when I found out that it would never be properly addressed, and that 8.1 was our entire resolution for it.

Oh well, atleast the race got some nice new customizations even though the writing team can’t be given credit for that.


This wasn’t any worse than what the worgen had to deal with in their own starting zone. Right out the box, they lose their entire homeland to invasion, and it never gets retaken.

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I disagree. I have years of memories built up in Teldrassil as opposed to a few hours.

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If I had good reason to believe that I have observed their demise as I saw the Burning of Teldrassil, yes to both.