The Illusion that "Legion was a good Expansion"

Idk if WoD changed Arms from MoP, but I know playing MoP Arms Warrior was one of the funnest times I ever had on WoW. I almost rerolled, because the spec played so perfectly.


Don’t twist words. You listed a series of items you called “faults”. What you consider a “fault” isn’t a universal value hence your list of “faults” are a list of opinions. I didn’t say that the act of pruning/redesign was an opinion only that you considering it a “fault” was one. Don’t make me regret having giving you the benefit of the doubt of being not a complete moron.


MoP was the pinnacle of class design for WoW. Ghostcrawler finally solved the puzzle.

Then he fled to Riot.


Despite the pruning, classes were fun. Unlike BFA, where classes are pruned and aren’t fun.

We did get a new class ability, and gear has always been relied on.

But it worked well and people liked their order halls.

Taeshalach doesn’t exist.

And? They weren’t that bad.

The grind is the only valid complaint.

That was more of a BFA feature before anything else.

Legion was good, and I really miss it.


Wheres the mention of the two egregious things Legion did like timegating and the legendary fiasco?


I’m never going to tell you that you’re having fun wrong. But what they did to arms warrior is outright the entire reason I never played a single day of WOD (granted I didn’t miss anything.)

Press colossus smash every 20 seconds. Press rend every 20 seconds. Press mortal strike. WOSHYWOSHYWOSHYWOSHYWOSHYWOSH BALLERINA DANCE FOR NO DAMAGE. The spec hasn’t been so boring, so flat, so pointlessly drinky-bird since 2006.


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Ah thanks, I had missed those.

Legion did come between WoD and BfA. So perhaps it just looks good in comparision to those other two.

But i think it was a legit good expansion. Had an epic story and packed with content. The class pruning was it’s biggest flaw. But the other stuff made up for it imo. (Also, Blood DKs were demigods. So maybe that’s why I hold it in high regards)


Yea, but those two were way worse than most of the things you mention, which is hit or miss for the community.

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Truly don’t see how you can say this. There was such a high skill cap of the class. Knowing how to properly Leap away > Charge, or Banner > Intervene > Charge, for example, was what determined the difference between a normal player and a pro player.

Nowadays all of those skills and tricks are gone and we’re here with a braindead 1-4 rotation.

Maybe you were just playing Arms wrong and didn’t see how it was meant to be played.


It wasn’t BFA for me keeps all the stuff i loved about legion and removed all the stuff i hated at the same time for me atleast BFA is wayyy better almost perfect the class only tier sets was the only thing i miss or i would give it a 10 out of 10 its more a 9 out of 10 because of it.

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Legion was FANTASTIC after 7.2. Artifacts and order halls were amazing for class fantasy. I loved them.


The only things I didn’t like about Legion were the incessant AP grind at the start and the fact that your character’s competitiveness went right out the window if you didn’t get the correct legendaries to drop.


The faults you felt it had?

This wasn’t a problem. Transmog exists, and a lot of artifact appearances actually were cool.

Also, one unified weapon per spec rather than some specs needing to fill two slots.

It sucks regressing.

Except not mandatory, not nearly as impactful, and much easier to manage. Garrisons weren’t WoD’s problem, an overall lack of content was.

It was if you felt the urge to push it as fast as you could. It was not a problem if you were a bit patient.

Wasn’t bad then. Bad now.

Yet Legendaries provided a carrot on the stick. We have no carrot now.

They also gave you choices, if you stuck to a spec long enough.

Dunno if you realize this, but that started before Legion.


I played arms at very high competitive pvp levels at a time when it had far more depth of capability than the WOD abortion. So… I doubt that. Take the spec out of PvP, and it was exactly as I described: Less exciting than a ten hour lecture on the history of bread.

Everything changes, but by this definition nothing in the game has ever been good because at some point in a future expansion it was modified.

My artifact abilities were amazing on most specs I played. What might be going to happen to them in the future was not a consideration in anyone’s decision to play.

I found Legion compelling. I have never heard anyone say that about BfA.

Your list is just opinions that are important to you, but of less or no importance to others.


Don’t remind me on the 8 week timegate when it came to the questing in Suramar.

And the AP grinding in the early parts of Legion that was absolutely atrocious, and the flawed version of Mythic+ that wasn’t rectified until 7.2.

Oh god, grinding for the appropriate legendaries, which wasn’t rectified until 7.3.5 with the essence system.

If you found running old raids concurrently every week just to get your BiS legendary to be fun sure all power to you, but I don’t want to run old raids on multiple difficulties just for a chance at something that isn’t Destiny Driver.

8.2 Essence system will be your new carrot with clear and defined objectives on how to acquire them with very little rng involved.

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It gave you a choice. Nobody forced you to do every piece of content, but Legendaries gave you a reason to go out and do stuff.

Nah. There’s not enough in it to keep it as a carrot. It’s just another pile of trash to unlock in an expansion of trash piles.

Gear and ‘‘gimmicks’’ have been a form of progression for a long time.

WoW has never been made to facilitate a unique experience for every single individual with meaningful choices that have unique outcomes. You’ve always been on semi-rails.

The weapons they chose were very well known, having them use no-name new weapons would of not create the buzz amongst a lot of players that it did… I loved the idea of wielding the Doom Hammer.
And appearances were plentiful with enough variety than we’ve ever gotten.

Meh, this is one wasn’t that much of an issue except for quests tied into it.

Not perfect but it was great in Legion.

Legendaries should b e rare and random.

The balancing I agree was a big issue.

Again, rep has always been a thing, and again with this ‘‘illusion of choice’’. Want to do a WQ, go do it, don’t then don’t… you are free to do what you want, somethings in WoW have always been required IF you wanted something so nothing new on that front.

Hope that clears up your illusion.

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Raiding was not the only way to earn legendaries. A couple of my characters raided normal. I never ran “old raids”. Yet ended Legion with hundreds of legendaries on my army of alts. My raider boyfriend never ran old raids for legendaries either, and rarely did mythic+. Yet he had every legendary for every class by the time the prepatch came.