The game is great, Warmode is an amazing idea (I spent three hours in 40 man group killing off other raids last night, with 120 total players in Drustvar, nothing like this has happened since Southshore) and as someone who has leveled undead characters throughout every expansion, I have to say that the Horde has always been complicit with the horrible things Sylvanas has always been doing, the only difference is that the average player noticed because she did it in a cutscene.
Just like everyone freaked out about Theramore (cutscenes.)
Just like nobody freaked out about all three Auchindoun instances, Gilneas, Southshore, Andorhal (the entirety of the plaguelands really,) 7 expansions of Undercity expirements, Wrathgate (cutscene blamed on Putress,) Silverpine forest (old and new, both accessible at level 15ish.)
Just like how no one freaked when Jaina had us (Yes, US) slaughter half the blood elves in Dalaran, or when alliance ships were gunning down neutral goblin vessels
Or how a ton of people were on board with Arthas’ Culling of Stratholme as a necessary evil.
Whats ruining this expansion is hearsay and shared outrage, most of you skip 90% of the quest dialogue anyway, and youve already done worse so why ruin it for yourselves? We all killed Kael’thas for no reason back in the day ( before the Kil’jeaden angle became apparent, some of you have done it thousands of times for a mount that will never drop.)
Having a problem with Horde identity? I blame in-city sharding more than anything, so find a decent guild that feels the way you do. Quit doing this to yourselves, a great time can be had by everyone, If you want to.
Side note:Everyone should level a rogue on warmode for that guerilla war feel (Just try it.)
If you’re on Moonguard and want a better Wpvp experience, add me in game, im on most nights.