The Horde Slayer title not awarded

I completed the quest yesterday and submitted a ticket, got the usual auto response the next day, telling me to read forums and what not and it got auto marked as resolved.

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I’m pretty livid. Worked for hours to achieve this and it’s literally the ONLY achievement I’ve sought out to get intentionally since the Jenkins title first came out years ago. Stumbled upon the achievement when I got 8/10 a couple weeks ago and decided i’d try again. Got the bounty…fought for my life for a couple hours in some intense pvp in the daily world pvp quest area…got 10/10…saw the achievement pop up…then nothing. I’m already a casual player these days as I have kids now, I don’t have time to do a whole lot…I wanted ONE thing lol. So I actually take the time to achieve something and they blow me off. If they don’t put in a little effort to verify this and give us our titles…I’m pretty much done with this crap man. Game masters used to actually help you resolve your issues…I miss those days. Please help us Blizzard!


I just finished this on my feral and wasn’t awarded anything, achievement popped up and disappeared. RIP

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Same, gave the survey a flat line of 0s too…

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Completed the quest yesterday as well. Don’t see any achievement or title, kind of frustrating… My ticket has an average wait time of 10 days and 8 hours which is absolutely nuts…

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I was annoyed with this bug at first cause after this happened I started googling and came across the bug reports where they acknowledged that the title/achievement weren’t being awarded and that this would be patched shortly after Dragonflight released. So at first wasn’t too concerned.

So I opened a ticket thinking I would eventually (after 10 days!) get a response from a GM to actually look into this an fix it for me. I have been playing WoW on and off since Vanilla and something like this historically would easily be looked into. In fact I have had far bigger things looked into and fixed in the past.

My annoyance has turned into compete anger, disgust and frustration because my ticket was automatically resolved by a bot giving me generic “suggestions” that I had already tried and saying the following sentiment that “we are extremely busy and in order to save [me] time we are resolving the ticket” the email I received stated I could reopen the ticket if I still had a problem but there was no option to do so which compounded to my frustration.

It is actually appalling that support can outright ignore legit tickets and that the quality has dropped so low that they simply throw out and ignore actual tickets without actually looking into it. Especially when the fault lies 100% with blizzard for allowing a known bug to propagate into live servers. While this is a reality with software development, they need to at least have the integrity to resolve the bug and fix the issue to those that reach out. Titles/achievements are probably boolean flags tied to our characters that would be super easy to update.

Many of us don’t have the same time to play as we used similar to one of the posters above this is one of <5 achievements since the conception of the game that I have actively tried to get. It’s a non trivial extremely time consuming task that I was able to do cause I had time off during the holiday break. I no longer have the same game time to keep chasing this. We also shouldn’t have to since we legitimately earned this which they should be able to verify.

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Still broken. Pretty pathetic that a company worth 60 billion can’t bother to actually support their games in any real way.

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Completed quest today,
Support Ticked Submitted and as everyone else received automated response : P

Completed tonight, did not get the achieve or the title or anything. I have also submitted a ticket.

Completed today with a group, Im sure they are all going to be looking too, because its still not working as of 1/6/22. Hopefully they can tell we got it and itll show up when they fix it right guys!? =]

Happened to me. Finished the quest and didn’t get the title or achievement. Now when I get the bounty I don’t even get the quest so I can try again. Automated response from blizzard that they closed my ticket.

Bump… same thing happening to me today, opened a ticket. hopefully they give us the title and don’t make us re-do it. Took some finessing to get it done solo.

Happened to me too :frowning:

Completed it just now and didnt get it either.

Same thing happened to me and a group of my friends. No title and no achievement for all of us. GM gave unhelpful advice and closed my ticket. The issue is not resolved :’(

Exact same issue. I submitted a ticket and have just been sent round in circles with GM’s going: Oh I see the problem, you just didn’t do it. Also if you think this is something new submit a bug report.

SO if you’re having this issue and support is being entirely unhelpful submit a bug report guys. So they can track an issue that apparently has been around since BfA.

Just did this quest again on a different character same thing, even tried leaving the group and it still didn’t work. Quest completes but no achievement or title

Currently the title isn’t being awarded, which is something we’re working to fix. It’s planned to be fixed in a patch shortly after the release of Dragonflight.


Yo support has me going crazy. They just keep telling me to do it again next reset. It won’t even start the quest for me anymore on the characters I’ve done it once on.

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Did it today, didn’t give me the achievement or title when I turned in the quest.