Indeed. Another problem with the position.
I agree with the sentiment the Horde doesn’t really need a Warchief in peace time. Trouble with that though is there isn’t any.
If it’s not the Horde and Alliance fighting eachother it’s them fighting together to cancel this week’s apocalypse. While also still fighting eachother but just in a few areas.
Obviously I wouldn’t argue for an unelected position where the incumbent wields supreme executive authority until death or resignation. Especially when candidates for this position can have millenia long lifespans or be functionally immortal.
But the thing is I’m trying to play a fantasy game not create a just and fair government. This isn’t called Spheres of Statecraft. My disbelief is suspended enough to accept wizards, I can buy a dictatorship just works well enough in this setting for w/e reason.
The Warchief’s only a bad idea because Blizz decided it was. Maybe Blizz felt they needed to tell a story where the moral is dictators are bad, and fair enough, but that comes off as pretty bizarre when the Alliance also has one determined by birthright monarchy and that’s working just fine.
Garrosh is in Revendreth unfortunately… Oh Lor’themar, nah.
It’s peace time. Go build a new troll city in Stranglethorn Vale or somewhere.
Nurture the land. Terraform the Barrens. Do whatever until Sylvanas screws it up for you, mr troll.
Sky’s the limit
If by sky you mean the inept writing team…
baine secured peace time. use the time.
That’s not up to us.
Meant RP and try to stay positive.
Until Sylvanas takes it from you and breaks it apart.
Then the new warchief refuses to give up their power and we’re back to doing the pointless civil war song and dance again to depose them. The Horde has proven time and again the position doesn’t work and no council is going to stand in the way of someone who wants to take power for themselves.
There needs to be a Warchief.
Even if they have limited power during so called “peacetime”, there should still be a warchief that is responsible for considering the relative strategic position of the entire Horde with respect to outside entities- with each council member being responsible to brief the Warchief with ALL developments in intelligence and diplomacy, and the council as a whole retaining the ability to transfer executive power to and from the Warchief as necessary. Blah blah blah.
Give us a damn Warchief.
It hasn’t worked because Blizzard wrote it to not work.
I mean, at least they’ve been relatively consistent with it.
Thrall and Vol’jin were the exceptions for “Warchiefs”, not the rule. Blackhand, Doomhammer, Ner’zhul, Garrosh & Sylvanas for the MU Horde? Bladefist for the Fel Horde? Rend for the Dark Horde? AU Grommash for the Iron Horde? Like, this is a cavalcade of nightmarish leadership and choices here. Its truly amazing how a position that has only existed for like 40 years tops already had such a horrific track record … well before Sylvanas.
You start going down that rabbit hole and you might as well not discuss the story at all.
Like Droite said its track record is terrible, I’d argue only Thrall was a good warchief because Vol’jin never had enough time to do anything with it.
Agree with pretty much everything you said but especially this, it’s a fantasy video game, there’s no reason we can’t have a supreme dictator work. Well, there’s story reasons but, you know…
Vol’jin, what could have been. Shame.
Valid point. Could be remedied with either the Horde leaders selecting Warchiefs or, Blizzard doesn’t write them as maniacs.
But Blizzard has a long and recorded history (the “I feel lied to” series on this forum is a good catch) of lying (either to be TrIcKy or they just have 0 in-house communication.) and that description was offered a lot during the beginning of BFA. The Sylvanas who gave any semblance of a damn was butchered on the altar of MOP 2.0.
The damage is done and beyond repair short of retconning all of BFA. We’re not getting Sylvanas back.
To argue that something needs to stay because it’s iconic is to argue against any kind of change or growth. The Horde needs a council else there was no reason to do half of the expansions that exist. The role is nostalgic, yes, but it is no longer practical for the writers. It’s getting harder and harder for one to exist and simultaneously have the story of the Horde even remain coherent/
Having a Warchief is no longer plausible within the story. Did Blizzard ruin the position of Warchief? Maybe, but we’re still stuck with that fallout nonetheless, and as such we have to toss out the concept.
Noooo don’t put Lor’themar back on the radar! If you do that he’ll suddenly want to start a massive war. There’d be no recourse because it is clear that his characterization is leading him to be the next big bad.
It was clearly set up in the side quest of the epilogue of the one book that you can read in the Warcraft movie! Few know this but if you freeze it, the Titans who wrote it can see the future that Lor’themar will go mad with power after plotting the death of council high leader Blaine. /s
we’ve seen time and time again that the only one actually worthy of the title Warchief is Thrall.
if the title does come back into use, it should be as a military position, not the leader of the entire faction.
it always felt weird that a faction so diverse had a single ruler anyway.
With the way the game has painstakingly gone out of its way to source all of the faction’s issues with the position, I feel like there’s no good way to reintroduce it in any form without the horde looking stupid yet again. I think it sucks hard that Blizzard did it, but I’m sure that bringing it back would do nothing but be just another example on the pile that the faction can’t learn anything.
It should have just been pared back to be the horde’s version of an allied commander and let the title remain as the faction’s symbol, but the story poisoned the symbol itself.
It’s beyond stupid that Blizzard removed Warchief in the first place since Blizzard is the source of all our woes. These are characters, not actual people making actual people decisions. Blizzard wrote it to be flawed, backhanded us with Saurfang telling us we were wrong for liking the Horde in a cutscene, and then wrote us to be the Alliance.