Guild Name: Deathguard of Sylvanas Description: We have weekly activities to help develop and challenge your character. There are between 2-3 events per week and a unique character ranking system that helps you move up in the guild. Faithful to Sylvanas! Military-esque. Races Allowed: Undead Races Only (Forsaken, Deathknights, etc.) Leader(s): Lendri & Deandil Who to Contact: Lendri, Deandil, Caelenhad, Mendeskar, Zavier RP/PVP/PVE?: HEAVY RP, Some PvE/PvP Requirements: Website Application, Roleplaying addon (I.E. TRP3) Most Active Playtime: 3pm Server - 6pm Server everyday Website:
Given the new formatting for the new forums (much longer post, hiding things behind spoilers tags) and how they can’t apply retroactively you might want to start a new thread.