The Horde doesn't have enough monster girl energy

I’m sorry, but we are just not getting the proper representation this expansion.
Where are the claws, teeth, muscles, and dark powers at? It’s one thing not to have a warchieftess, but to have no lady power, is a crying shame! Even Draka, who as an undead orc woman would check every box of a monster girl, lacks the look in her eyes of wanting to kill me. Indeed, she is just too motherly to count. Talanji, one of my personal favorite girl bosses, is M.I.A. This is just simply unacceptable.

I offer a solution to this problem. Calia and Lilian Voss should become a power couple. That’s double the monster girls, lady power, and fanart for the horde. Thank you for taking the time to read this. With Blood and Thunder, Thuj.
:drop_of_blood: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


Draka took them all

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Don’t make me start a Draka appreciation thread


Satyr allied race when?

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It’s too late you already did


Geya’rah is hanging out with Aggra.

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I want an entire story of this alone.
What crazy things is Geya’rah putting Aggra up to?


40% of your faction are blood elves. Just thought I’d let you know.


Blood elves may look docile, but it’s the mindset that qualifies them as a monster girl.
Ever been /laughed at by a Belf? Traumatizing. I’ll never use that hairstyle again…
rocks in the corner crying


Can’t wait for that to be removed


Even though it’s Blizzard’s choice to remove emotes, I will say it seems like worse pr than actually just making apologies, and giving clarity on the internal affairs at their company.

Well we do have fangs.


Yea I like the hunter orc standing guard ontop of club thrall :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Oh my goodness gracious

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I’m biased here, but I think Alliance should have more monster girl energy. Worgen girls aren’t enough.


You make a fine point. Tyrande had it, but it’s gone again.

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The thalassians took all of that’s place. come with me friend, help me end the abominations so they can be replaced with better races.

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No problem, sister! Let’s dump the Nightborne, too. I wanted the Night Fallen!

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Usha Eyegouge: Yes! Glorious victory! Eat dirt and die, alliance scum! Stormsong valley belongs to the Horde!

PS. not sure if this text will be up for the PC chop. Enjoy while you can.