The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

Stormheim, Silithus, and Anduin’s stunt in Org with SI:7 was MORE than enough to suggest the Alliance was prepping to attack the Horde; and in fact already had several times. Every major instance of aggression leading up to the WoT came from the Alliance, but Blizz of course invalidated nearly every single one (save for a single comment about Stormheim from Saurfang … which is “racist” he thought that). Again … its not that there wasn’t reasons for Saurfang to fall for Sylvie’s arguments, its that Blizz wont allow those reasons to count.

Its for this reason that Horde players don’t trust the Faction Conflict in any capacity anymore as a story thread. Because for years Blizz has the Alliance do something aggro, they get cold feet, and then walk that sucker back to a pristine white shine. At this point, they could literally have the Alliance do anything and whatever is not justified by what they’ve made the EVIL Horde races do as a plot-device … they sure as sh*t will whitewash or handwave it until it is. While the Horde will continue to not be allowed motives (let alone valid ones).


“Absolutely NOTHING bad happened to the Horde after MoP. Nothing. Not a thing.”

  • Alliance player



I wouldn’t say that it’s not valid to pursue appropriate measures to respond to identified acts of aggression.

But that’s not where Blizzard decided to take it. Stormheim was considered, it was part of Saurfang’s reasoning - but my issue here is that it isn’t the only part - and the other parts certainly led us to some dark places and dredged up an evil ideology once more that now can’t be ignored.

Sorry. I didn’t write this crap.


Not against the Forsaken, who were responsible for everything that went down in the eastern kingdoms.

If that would have been handled, I would have been content. But nothing happened to them. Nothing at all. And nothing has yet to heppen, and most likely never will happen about it. So you’ll excuse me if i’m a bit agitated at the moment.

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I truly don’t believe you mean this. Because the type of “consequences” the Horde normally face for what you’re advertising you want … is them getting villain batted, their character roster culled, and their racial identities damaged as “the good ones” of the Faction help the opposing faction kill “the bad ones”. Even if Blizz had the capacity for nuance, I really doubt you mean for anything really negative to befall the Worgen for the power fantasy you aspire to. Meaningful consequences and the like, that hurt … but one can grow from.


Must I want that, and at the same time want what the Horde got? I believe that Blizzard can do better.

But fine, i’d still take that trade. If nothing else, I would be interested in how they would make the Worgens the villains after everything the Forsaken has done to them. It would almost be impressive how much they would have to omit and ignore to make the Gilneans unjustified in their anger. I would like to see that, in a similar vein to how I would like to see a car crash in slow motion.

And I don’t think you fully understnad how tired I am of how the Worgen has been treated. They may be better off as villains, compared to what they are now.


Refresh my memory, who is their current racial leader?


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Yes they were along with the 7th Legion.
Waygs is trying to link the stormheim attack to the Teldrassil burning and Malfurion murder plan for sheltering Gen, apparently.

Total nonsense.


Oh for hell’s sake. Sylvanas buggering off had nothing to do with her actions in cataclysm.
For those actions, her and the Forsaken walked away scotsfree, except for the justified attack at Stormheim, that is so often decried by Horde posters.

Also, it wasn’t just her who did those things. The Forsaken did. When they have answered for that, you tell me. I will be most delighted.

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Could always take a page from the horde’s notebook and attack the alliance. That’s a surefire way to do it. :crazy_face:

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Refresh my memory, what is the status of the Forsaken capital city?



Not Genn, do recall. Worgen in general.

The Worgen bread maker is responsible for Stormheim because Genn is a Worgen. So is anyone who harbors the Worgen bread maker - which makes them deserving of extermination.

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They’ve been treated about the same way as the Darkspear, Tauren, and BEs. Its a staggering lack of content for the race resulting in their leaders being made “generic” characters latched onto whatever Meta-Story Blizz has thought up. Like, truly, the only reason Gilneas AND Hillsbrad/Southshore aren’t back in Worgen/Alliance hands right now is because Blizz doesn’t want to devote the assets to it. It has nothing to do with the now broken to pieces Forsaken. Who cant even find relevance in the Death expac.

Its this same aversion to “devoting assets” that prevented the BEs/Forsaken from having a presence against Arthas, or the MU Orcs having a bit part against KJ. Or Baine getting his own story in SLs.


I think there has to be some buildup for that first.

Ruined, because of Sylvanas blowing it up. Population, intact.

You do understand that just destroying building won’t cut it, right? I want the ones responsible for what happened at Gilneas, Southshore, and everywhere else. I want them tried, and I want them executed. When that is done, I will be sated, I promise.
And no, I don’t actually mean the whole Forsaken army. Just the officers and leaders. And not even all of them. Just those who oversaw those operations at the time. Just a little treat.

Not one of these are currently refugees who have lost their home twice, with nothing on the Horizon.

That doesn’t dampen my desire for it, or extend the blame to the Forsaken, who were the reason it was lost, and never retaken.

Because WoW equates nations with race, how could anyone go to war with one without it turning into a racial thing? The concepts seem inseparable to me. You can’t gun for any racial leader without having to chew through their representative race to get there.

This isn’t a support post for exterminating any of them, of course.

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So when you say things like …

You’re just talking out your hind quarters?



No, I wouldn’t say so - but I have, throughout today’s commentary, made some pretty clear distinctions between actions that are provoked because of policy or ideology and those that are made on the belief that a certain race “just thinks this way” and that said thinking could not be mended even with a century to do it.

No, i’m talking about specific measures, not just wanton destruction. I would have been fine, happy even, if the undercity was intact, and instead the ones responsible for all the things that happened in the easter kingdoms during cataclysm were captured, tried, and executed. That would have been actualy catharsis for me, as a Worgen player. Not whatever we got in bfa.

I know this is probably off track, but sadly I think there is some sort of meta-narrative(?) truth to that; all of the playable races do mostly conform to a single way of thinking. It’s the backbone of Blizzard’s reasons for having race/class restrictions, for example. Along with the faction divide being entirely on racial lines.

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As a note … the Darkspear have lost the Darkspear Isles once … and the Echo Isles twice last I checked. They also were occupied by the Garrosh regime in MoP. They also lost their only Racial Rep in one of the most insulting ways imaginable, and were left completely without representation in the story for 2 years. With their only remaining rep Rokhan being made their new leader in a bit of dialogue I could not even find in game when I was trying. They only aren’t refugees for the same reason the Bilgewater aren’t refugees … they settled elsewhere with no intention or ability to return to their ancestral homes.

And again, the Forsaken aren’t the ones currently preventing the reclamation of Gilneas or Hillsbrad at this point. Its Blizz, who characteristically doesn’t want to devote the assets.