The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

We are at that point it could go either way really, so we are working on the absence of hard evidence either way. On the other hand, the windrunners seem to be good a bearing half human children.

Also we been knew the moment humans met the elves they have been poking each other. Alodi? Half Elf!


And I like it like that! Upper echelon, exclusivity, ELITE SQUAD

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Crack Elite-Squad Laboratory Accident. Cool name for a band.

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Please stop you guys. I wanna take a sip of my drink, and can’t really do that well if laughing.


This is making me feel special guys thanks! Like when Ser Jorah reminds Dany she’s a Targaryen, the mother of dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the unburnt, the breaker of chains, rightful queen of the Andals the rhoynar and the first men.

I love this emphasis on being elite


its why its laughable they even bring it up. the leader of the few elves there returned to the homeland himself. its extremely unlikely he would abandon them

Well we do have Taela Everstride who says “calm yo tatas I’m a high elf, i’m not gonna suck the magic out of you!” So the info we have is that they don’t seem to keen on being compared to BE’s.

They remained in the alliance upon learning of what the BE’s did, so that denotes intentionality, and when the leader of the Outland HE’s went to the Sunwell to allow for pilgrimage, he still remains alliance-sided as we see during the Quel’delar quest chain,

As it stands, the outland elves have simply
 remained alliance. Of course many could have chosen to formally rejoin, or have the whole of them do so eventually, but what little we have as of facts obviously points otherwise.


so didya witness the anti discord mocking events? what did they mock? that i’d get upset or that i was a big fan of alliance high elves or that i made a thread about alliance half elves that was summarily 404’d? or that i’d leave and come back?

What portion of the 10% are Alliance high elves and not just indifferent? How many Alliance high elves have returned to Silvermoon? Was the Alerian Stronghold a permanent settlement, and how many Alliance high elves actually lived there? How many Alliance high elves dies in Theramore? How was the organization of the Silver Covenant changed when they pledged themselves to the Unseen Hand? We don’t know any of these things or which of these are significant.

and THEN, they forgot about us. haha

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Like Dany at the end of the season I know sad day!

Sounds like we can fill in those gaps to make them an allied race :wink:

See, this is exactly what I was talking about, thank you for illustrating it so perfectly.

They have never told us what happened after BC. You are taking things that happened in BC and extrapolating what they did afterwards. They probably just forgot about them once Wrath rolled around, but who knows, they claim there’s an interesting story they can’t reveal about Lanesh, maybe those elves have one too that they’re sitting on.

Sadly, no, I didn’t witness. I am not on the Anti’s discord. What happened?

They’re certainly practiced at it. Also I’d like to bring up how gross it is that major female high elf characters seem to exist to be human arm candy.

I feel like giving birth to a human baby with that waist must be challenging.

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You always have my support Hyper! :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

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allerian stronghold was always primarily a human settlement with a few elves and dwarves. with the portal reopened there was no reason for them to stay with the conclusion of TBC. the most likely implication is they returned with auric and after finding out about how their people rebelled against kael after being betrayed prob stayed too. but some will fanfiction oh no they went back to a city they probably never even stepped foot in :woman_shrugging:

Sounds like a fan fiction. :wink:

i dunno. it’s just been reported by two different sources, that they use to mock me over there and had a whole section dedicated to lil ole me named something like, hyperspace appreciation, or something like that. and of course, it was the opposite of apprecation. lol

/shrug infamous for being a silly old woman who loves wow.

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So the forum behavior but make it discord discussions. I’m sorry Hyper :blue_heart: