The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I find these all to be reasonable assertions, on their own.

That being said, if you simply provided faction-exclusive customization options for each race it would basically address all of the qualms you’ve highlighted – basically do for all of the existing races, what they originally suggested they were going to do for Pandaren; Alliance-aligned Humans would have a completely different set of customization options from their Horde-aligned Human counterparts, so on and so forth.

You would be able to live out whatever your fantasy combination was, and nobody would really confuse which groups are where (i.e. Horde-aligned Humans would, very clearly, not be from Stormwind).


Better idea, we remove some elf races

No. Lets not steal the only thing good about nightborne.

Reunification or a void event which turns any remaining exiles. Consolidation complete.



I like their hair too, and their lore, and Suramar.


I do wish Bliz used their actual look from Legion
 and gave them that armor.

Nightborne would’ve been better as an Alliance Allied Race to Void Elves for Horde tbh (imo)


I meant their models. Hair I am indifferent.

Cough/ Spider elves

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Ah, as prone to reasonable discussion as ever, I see. :laughing:

I’d trade in a heartbeat.

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I’m now disappointed, googling dragon romance got me a bunch of generic 6-packed romance novel covers, Dragon Age stuff, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms for some reason. Nothing that’d work as a distraction from this mess.

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Because the only reasonable answer to seeing Alliance-esque humans on Horde is a simple no.

I’d rather gargle glass.

Don’t throw that rock while your still in your glass house!

I’m pretty happy with playing my Altmer in ESO. Dunno why you guys would want to play a wow elf because they’re boring as hell in comparison. Lorewise, they don’t even practice slavery, eugenics or cannibalism.

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At least i Apologized for my past actions you still fight with everyone and like you said

We can have those too.

The Sylvanas Loyalist in me would be happy to see Void Elves on Horde, ALSO can I just say Night Elves joining their kin in Suramar would make so much more sense than squatting in Stormwind post Teldrasil

The fact that you just used the phrase “Alliance-esque”, in response to what I said, suggests to me you didn’t read what I wrote at all. A quick scroll upwards, try again. :man_shrugging: