The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Be wary you dont pull a friendship!

I mean, fine, use the points on the why to add them side, but when people use that video to explain how there’s no good reason against them I feel like making a video where I explain the opposite, but when it gets to counterpoints I limit it to “But there are high elf free t-shirt day NPCS!” and “People only want them because they’re still upset that the horde wants them”

That’s not a fair appraisal of the opposing side and it’s almost a strawman, just by ignoring a bunch of the other sides arguments and limiting it to really easy to counter points.

Im gonna do that with the new Joker.

Not yet they don’t!

Unless we count the one, horrible unique Half Elf model in the game



Ah yes. Kalec’s model. A dragon.

You’d think he would have better taste.


Oh right, so you’re telling me I was the only true Anti Helfer here because I was the one who was more knowledgable and now everyone is just following off my old arguments?

Dont even try to flip it, thats all that been said for 10 years until the Ren’dorei show up, Your new but funny reason is High Elves are Blood Eleves, that was the dumbest thing i ever heard trying claim High elves based on looks, When their whole story of the two is based on Lore.

Again PLeeease get your story straight.

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Rendorei never had their population brought up by devs.

That entire post, handed down by the Developers themselves to our fabulous little forums, literally details everything I’ve ever said to debunk anything that High Elves belong on the Alliance fanboys have ever said. They’ll talk and rant themselves in definitive circles until the cosmos dies, but they still won’t see the truth.

yep. and just for v i will list the points his flawed fanfiction video doesnt address that ion did 1 week later

that they blur the faction lines

that they are thematically identical to a core horde race(obviously)

that they would damage the position and lore of void elves

“Elite Crack Squad”

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Which is a diversion. Because the population isnt a valid argument. its a barrier.

I am coming to the conclusion your just here to argue not to come to the truth of the matter.


I’ve literally said that the population argument has no basis.

Im saying that its just a point used by devs to say “dont expect us to make them playable.”

Technically there is no “truth” here, just opinions

Says a person that continually dismisses one of the highest sources we have for what the reality of the game world is.

There isnt an argument, when I literally agree with him. But he cant actually understand that.

You cant blur anything By making something thats has been there this whole time just playable, Also if that matter then they could be made to look different, The only reason we dont have them is because they dont want us to, and thats the wrong reason. The lore is there no matter what you try to say its always been there.

Sure they can, theyve done it for years already with other races. It has nothing to do with population, its just devs not doing it.

The high elf cause was dead the moment the devs said they chose void elves over them.

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